Chapter 7: Church of the Wild Ones

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**Andy's POV**

"How the fuck are you New York?!" I said, running out on stage. As the audiance in the Best Buy Theater cheered, I could tell this would be a great show. With that, we started 'I Am Bulletproof'

~About half way through the show~

Every so often, I glanced at Athena, who was backstage, watching us. Everytime I did, she either had a huge smile on her face or was singing along with me but I had to snap myself out of my little trance so I didn't make a fool out of myself on stage...But I already have way too many times in the past, so what's one more, am I right?

"You all are fucking beautiful! Thank you for coming out!" I tell the audiance. Of course, I recieve feedback from the fans. Gotta love 'em. "How many of you play music?" I ask them. More than half raised their hands and/or cheered. "How many of y'all are in a band right now?" A lot of the hands went down and there were less cheers. Hmmm..... "If y'all raised your hand to the first question and didn't to the second one, tonight when you go home, I want you to start a fucking band, alright?" I think they were pleased with what I said because it was so fucking loud (which is good). "When we were young, we used to go to shows and we would watch the band up on stage and we would say 'We're going to be way fucking better than that band one day.' " I paused and let the kids cheer. "So the next time you see Black Veil Brides and watch us on stage, I want you to say 'Fuck those mother fuckers, I'm going to be way better soon' " These kids were great tonight. "This next song is called Nobody's Hero." The music started, and I sang along.

**Athena's POV**

"I'll die fighting. Inside me there's a fire that burns. Woah oh..." Andy sang. I was really enojying myself backstage. It was quite fun by myself. Singing the words, being myself, forgetting about my past and focusing on the present, but Andy kept looking back at me like he was making sure I wasn't going to leave. I smile, but it was a bit annoying. I love Andy and all, but I didn't want his fans to know about me, let alone think something was going on. I smiled back at him for reassurance, but it was kinda bothering me. I shake my head and push all stupid thoughts out of my head and focused on the concert.


"....Not afraid. I'm not afraid to die." Andy finished.The cheers from the theater was overwhelming. "Thank you so fucking much New York! You've been fucking amazing! Good night and get home safely! Those with VIP passes, we'll see you at the meet and greet!" The audiance cheered again and the guys ran off stage.

"You guys were totally amazing tonight!"

"We're happy you liked it! We had to make your first BVB concert special!" Jinxx winked.

"Bye the way, we saved you these," CC said, handing me signed drum sticks he was throwing out into the crowd, and Jinxx handing me one of his Black Veil Brides logo picks. I thanked them. I would've hugged them, but they were too sweaty for my liking.

We headed back to the dressing room for the guys to freshen up a bit before they meet some of the fans.

"Are you coming with us?" Ash asked as they all got up to leave.

"Um..." I hesitated, "I'm going to say no. One, I don't want the fans to know about me and two, I kinda just wanna play WoW back on the bus."

"Wait, WoW? As in 'World of Warcraft', WoW?!" CC asked. He plays as well. I nodded and he started freaking out. "Great! Now I want to stay on the bus and play WoW! Thanks a lot," he complained. I just laughed and walked out to the bus.

Going onto the bus, I lay down in my bunk after grabbing my laptop. I sign in and start playing WoW. Honestly, I can waste hours on this game. Level 23 Hunter, Blood Elf in Horde. I'm only at such a low level because when they launched Mists of Pandaria, a lot of accounts restarted, so I was highly pissed, seeing as I was at level 85. Ok, enough with the ranting, and onto the gaming...

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