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Hello everyone! Long time, no talk! (Well, on this story)...

   Okay, let me just start... I hate this, hate it. It's so cliche and poorly written, inaccuracies everywhere and just god awful. The only part I like is the ending, to be honest with you. I know with updates, not as many people view it, but I want to know..

Should I rewrite Die For You?

I'd keep this one up, and have the remake as well. But, I don't know. Changing the central plot would be difficult, but I like a challenge. I kind of want to be taken seriously here in the band fan fiction realm, but I feel like this is holding me back from talking to better writers (no matter now many reads this story has). 

I realize that it won't have as much buzz as the original (I bare witness with the other fan fictions I have) but that's okay. I'd really have to plan this out, trying to keep certain parts and not change absolutely everything. I'm only doing this if I get enough of a response by comment. I will also need help, so if you have ideas or if you're a skilled writter, feel free to drop me an inbox! I love hearing from people! 

So, I leave this here as of Feb. 22, 2015. Please please please comment your thoughts with lots of detail. Also, check out my other fan fiction and two a.u.'s, Don't Vote For The Ass, Goodbye Agony, and Crown Of Thorns. I also have a litle journal/diary of me stressing and me being trans*. Check those out if you'd like, and I'll get back to you soon.

Much love and thanks,

-Kacy (they/them/their pronouns)

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