Chapter 30: Prom Night

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I woke up feeling exceptionally well, besides my hangover. My splitting head ache was the only thing holding me back. Andy was sound asleep. I checked my phone for the time. 9:34 am, it read. I sighed, slipped from Andy's grip, put on my glasses, and decided to get dressed. I put on a Batman tank top, black shorts, and my Batman chucks. Simple and cute. I straightened my hair, put on a light coating of mascara on my lashes, and lined my bottom waterline with eyeliner. Again, simple and cute.

I was the only person awake on the bus, which is boring. I got my drawing pad from my bag, along with pencils. I borrowed Andy's headphones, because I couldn't fine my own, and put my music on shuffle. Memphis May Fire. I settled down on the couch, flipped open to a blank page, and began to thing about what I was going to draw. It didn't take me long to come up with the idea. I was going to draw Andy and me together. I've wanted to draw it for a while, but I never got around to it, I guess. I scrolled through to photo gallery of my phone to find the picture of us I wanted to draw. I found the perfect one. I had Lauren and CC take these pictures when we all hung out one day. This specific picture is the two of us standing. Andy's arms are around my waist, and my arms around his neck. We were about to kiss. It was personally one of my favorite pictures of us, and I'm going to draw it.

About 20 songs later, and no interruptions, I was just about finished. I was really zoned out and really into drawing this, that I don't even know if anyone else was awake yet, or tried to talk to me. That is, until the weight of the couch shifted next to me and my book was taken from me. In anger, I took out one ear bud and looked up. I relaxed, only a little bit, knowing that it was Andy.

"Is this supposed to be us?..." He gawked.

"Yeah. Give it back," I said bluntly, holding my hand out.

"This is...amazing," he continued to stare at it.

"Thanks. Can you give that back?" I pressed.

"Uh, yeah," he reluctantly gave it back. He looked as if he wanted to flaunt it to everyone. "We're to be on stage in an hour, so be ready in a half," He winked before he got up back to the bunk room.

I almost forgot that I had to sing and play guitar with BVB today. This should be interesting. I have this horrible feeling that I'm going to fuck up the guitar solo. Like, really badly. I try and shake those thoughts out if my head as I got up to make myself a cup of coffee. I was in a tea mood, but they didn't have any, so I was bummed.

I sighed as I watched the machine fill up the paper coffee cup. Once finished, and I grabbed the cup, my cigarettes and lighters, and my phone and went outside. I sat down in the grass and leaned against the bus. I lit the cigarette, took a sip, and repeat. I felt energized, yet relaxed when I finished.

"There you are. I couldn't find you in the bus," Andy towered over me as I texted friends that I was performing with BVB, and if they could make it, to come.

"Why'd you need me?" I asked.

"Can't I hang out with my beautiful girlfriend before going on stage?" He sat down in front of me.

"I suppose," I shrugged, " I thought you needed me to do something of importance, or whatever."

He just sighed and shook his head. "So you know when we go back on tour, we're not coming back until maybe Thanksgiving. Even then, we go back touring and we get back home right before Christmas..."

"That long?! I thought it was only until Thanksgiving," I looked away from him.

"Baby? Babe. Look at me," he placed his finger under my chin and had my eyes meet his. "I know it's longer than I'd hoped, too, but I didn't want to just spring it up on you the day before I left. I mean, we're touring with Bullet For My Valentine, which is a huge honor, and we're continuing the Church of the Wild Ones tour in Europe."

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