Chapter 17:

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"Thanks for the ride."

"Call me when you need me to pick you up."

"Okay, bye." Andy kissed me, before Hera and I got out the car.

"So how the fuck did that happen?" Hera asked as we walked up to the mall.

"When you party with someone you like at a club and you're drunk."

"So this is a drunken mistake?"

"No, not at all, but a lot of heavy touching happened before he asked me out."

"So you got the D, or?..."

"Oh my god, shut the hell up," I laughed.

We walked in to Hot Topic and I noticed Tawny folding shirts.

"Hey guys! Greyson is in the back if you want to talk to him. He's in his office."

"Thanks," I smiled. We walked into the back and found a door that said 'Manager', so I knocked.

"Enter!" He responded. I opened the door. "Ah. You two must be Hera and Athena Mavros, correct?"

"That is correct," I smiled. "I'm Athena." I extended my hand and he shook it.

"Hera," she extended her hand to him as well.

"Pleasure to meet you both. Now, I have your name tags already to go. Just pick a lanyard and some stuff to decorate it with. Since you already know Tawny, she'll teach you the basics. You'll both start out putting things on shelves, and items up, etc. Today's group of workers is 100% accepting, so just talk to them and be yourself. You'll both do just fine, I guarantee. Any other questions, this door is always open. You guys' break is at 1:30."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Marten," we said, oddly at the same time.

"Please, call me Greyson. It's a first name basis here." He gave us a bin of lanyards to choose from. She chose a galaxy one, and I chose a Black Veil Brides one. Go figure.

"Oh my god, Happy Belated Birthday!" Tawny said once we went back out to the front. "I was curious, so I looked at your application."

"Thanks," I chuckled.

"So, what did you do for your big day?"

"My friends took me to a club and I danced and got drunk off my ass. Nothing special."

"That's not all the happened," Hera said slyly, and I elbowed her in the ribs.

"Oooh. Was someone being scandalous?" Tawny winked.


"No!" I shouted in defense.

"Oh just tell her. I mean, you almost got the 'D'..."

"What? Did you know the guy?"


"Oh, she knew him alright."

"Can you shut the fuck up for two seconds, Hera?" She threw her hands up in surrender and backed away. "She's blowing that way out of proportion," I explained to Tawny. "We were drunk, me more than him. We danced, we kissed, we...touched. We kind of sobbered up, he drove us back home, then asked me to be his girlfriend, that's all."

"Wait, the guy who was here with you the other day? Andy Biersack?" I nodded. "Damn, you're lucky. He's hot."

"Yeah, but he's also really sweet and caring and funny. Looks aren't everything."

"Yes, but it is a major plus," Tawny said, causing me to chuckle. She handed a box jeans to both of us, and told up where to put them after we fold them.

Basically, that's all we did. Fold clothes and put them on their respected shelves or put clothes on hangers and hang them up. When it was time for break, the three of us made our way to the food court. Once we bought our desired meals, we found a table to sit at.

"So, care to tell us about yourself?" Hera asked Tawny.

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Favorite bands, where you grew up, just something."

"Well, I grew up in Boston until I was 16. My mom got a promotion, so we moved here. Uh, my favorite music artists are Avenged Sevenfold, Kiss, Poison, Billy Idol, Pat Benatar, Misfits, Vixen, basically all the older stuff." I think we'll get along quite well.

"How many Tattoos do you have?" I asked.


"Damn, really?"

"Yep. I could sit here all day and explain what each one means to me."

"You're lucky..."

"Why? Don't you have any? You come off as someone who would."

"I wish. I was never able to afford it."

"Oh. Makes sense. How about this; I take you to get your first tattoo. Think of it as a belated birthday present."

"Oh, no. I can't do that. You barely know me."

"Well, we can change that. Give me a week, and I guarantee we'll be closer," She smiled. "Huh. Break's over, guys." She looked at her beeping wrist watch. We threw our trash in the respected trash bins, and got back to work.


"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" Tawny waved as she walked to her car. A few mintues after she had left, Andy and pulled up.

"Hey, how'd your first day go?" He asked as we got in.

"Athena was being all quiet and shy."

"And you just ran your loud mouth."

"Care to explain?" He chuckled as he pulled off.

"Oh, she just likes to tell our business to strangers, and I like to get to know them first."

"Sorry I know which people to trust."

"Sorry I have trust issues, love," I smirked back at my sister.


A/N: yeah, I'm sorry this was seriously short and fucking boring as hell, but I wrote this when I was sick, and I didn't feel like starting over, so next chapter is a time elapse. Love you all,


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