Chapter 10: Tear Down The Cross

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**Athena's POV**

I slowly woke up and glanced at the clock on the table beside me. It read ten am. It's really early for me. My mind started to drift to last night. Andy thought I was sleeping, but I was awake the whole time. I heard every word he said. Remembering what I said to him, I felt bad. We both said things out of anger. I looked over at the other beds to see if CC or Andy was awake, but they weren't even in the room. Must have stepped out or something.

I decided not to be lazy and go back to sleep, and I got up and started getting ready for the day. I started to pick out my outfit for today. I had found my favorite black sweater, lavender jeans, a studded white belt, black fake toms, a silver necklace, and bracelet with a pendant shaped as an anchor. I laid them out on my bed, and I liked it.

I went into the bathroom and stripped down, hopping into the shower. I most likely used up all the hot water in the whole building, but I felt great. I wrapped myself and my hair in a towel, and left the bathroom.

The guys still haven't come back to the bedroom, so I might was well get dressed in here. I locked the door to the bedroom, just incase they came back before I'm dressed. It was really quiet, so I decided to play some music. I went on my phone an turned on my 'Random' playlist, and Chelsea Smile by Bring Me The Horizon starts to play. I absolutely love this song. It doesn't take me too long to get dressed. I unlocked and opened the bedroom door, now that I'm dressed. Ours by The Bravery starts to play and I can never contain myself when it come to this song. I always have to sing along.

"After tonight, who knows where we'll be tomorrow? What if we're never here again?

After tonight, this will be a lifetime ago So let's stay up until the sky bleeds red And we'll stop, stop, stop the world from moving Stop, stop, stop the clocks from turning Stop this night from fading away..."

**Andy's POV**

I walked in the hotel room alone because CC wanted to go over to the guys' room and mess with them. I heard gorgeous singing. I followed the sound to the bedroom, and of course, it was Athena. Her voice was amazing! I leaned against the frame of the door silently as she sat on the bed singing. The song cut off and I started to clap. "So, you can sing, huh?" I said smirking She whipped around so fast, and the look on her face was priceless!

"What the hell, Andy! How long have you been there?" She was blushing. She's an amazing singer. I don't see why she's hiding it. She's almost as good as me. Almost.

"Since the first chorus I think."

"Oh no," She face palmed herself.

"What? You're very talented. You should be proud of your gift. I'm proud of mine," I winked. I went and sat next to her on the bed.

"Whatever. You're just saying that to be nice."


"Still. Just please don't tell the others."

"Why? We all wanted to hear you sing on the second day we all hung out. They probably still do."

"Because if I'm as great as you say," she rolled her eyes, "they'll make a big fuss about it like you did." She buried her face in her hands. I hadn't realized I embarrassed her this much.

"I won't tell them today, but I'm not making any promises about never telling them."

"Fine," She let out a long sigh. "I-I heard what you said last night, by the way. I'm really sorry about blowing up at you like that. I don't know what came over me. I seriously overreacted." I totally forgot about last night. I don't see how, because we almost ruined our friendship...

"No. It's not your fault. If I hadn't said that rude comment, the whole 'fight' wouldn't have happened." She shrugged.

"Either way, we both made a mistake, so do you want to start over?" She extended her hand for me to shake it. I took it.

"Gladly." We released each others hand. "C'mon. I bought you breakfast." I told her getting up.

"You really didn't have to do that."

"I know. That's what makes me so nice." I smirked. (A/N: that was a 'Wicked the musical' reference. Sorry)

We both got up, and I lead her to the living room of the suite. "Here, I got you breakfast. I hope McDonald's pancakes are okay.." I handed her the bag of food.

"Perfect. I love their breakfast." She flashed me a smile. A genuine smile. I loved it.

I sat down on the couch next to her and turned on the TV. Big Bang Theory was on. We sat in a comfortable silence (with the occastional laugh) watching the show and her eating her breakfast. I wasn't totally paying attention to the show. I was really just thinking. But, not just about Athena, but life in general.

"You're not going to eat?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I already did." She nodded. "Hey, did you want to go around the town with the guys later?"

"Sounds great!" She smiled. The show came back on and she shushed me. I just chucked, but she shushed me again. She really likes this show. The show went off and some show she didn't like came on, so she turned off the tv. "So how about that sight seeing you were talking about?" She chuckled.

"Sure. Let's go see if the guys are ready," I said standing up. She jumped up and started walking out the door with me following right behind her. She knocked on the guys' room and waited.

"Who is it?" Jinxx called out.


"And Andy."

"Oh. Hold on." The door swung open, revealing Jinxx. "Come in. Sorry, the others already made this place a mess." He walked back and we obviously followed. I thought for a second then stopped in my tracks.

"Wait. Everyone is dressed, right?" I asked. Athena shrieked and covered her eyes like a little kid. It was actually quite adorable.

"Eh...yeah. You're good," someone called out. I couldn't really tell who it was. Athena uncovered her eyes and we made our way to the living room. "You guys up for walking around town? Seeing what's here?" I asked.

"Sure, I don't see why not." CC replied. They all grabbed there wallets and anything else they needed and we headed out the door. Before reaching the elevator, Ash grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Look," he said through clenched teeth, "from what I put together, you made A cry, and I will find out what you did." He took a step closer to my face. "You guys may be all happy now, but if this happens again, you're going to be the one crying Biersack." He let go and he walked off to the elevator.

I just stood there. Did he really just threaten me? I understand he sees Athena like a sister, but did he have to get all defensive?


A/N: 1,200 reads?! Thanks so much guys Love you all <3


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