Clearing Things Up

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1. Okay, so many of you are wondering why I killed off Andy. To be honest, there's no true reason. I had this idea way back when, "Hey, what if there was a fan fiction where someone dies?"

So I thought of Die For You. I would've thought some people would've gotten some sort of hint from the title, but hey? Whatcha gonna do?

Being a girl who read books for people in second and third grade in pre school, and growing up on books, I always thought every great author needed a brilliant, well thought out plot twist. Whether it be a betrayal, an affair, a death, it had to be there and it had to be grand.

I also have a dark, twisted, and morbid thought process, so that was another contributing factor.

2. To @IAmBatmandsSidekick, that is a nice idea, but I planned to just end it here. I don't see how long I could do a story on Beck's perspective for too long establish an interesting plot for you guys.

3. To @kbrasher, there's no reason to be mad at me anymore, okay you big baby. At least I didn't call Maddie fat c;
(To others, it's kind of an inside joke from school. Follow her anyway.)

4. To @ShoeyDamnDawceffa, unfortunately, no. I'm not going to make a sequel. I'm leaving the story as is, other than editing. Like I mentioned earlier, I wouldn't be able to make a good plot and all in all, it's not what I wanted.

3. To @Neonemo23, to this book in addition, no. But I have a lot more planned on this account and my other account. I just posted something on my other account. If you're interested in the fantasy genre and witches, then check it out. I also have a few BVB fan fictions on this account (mostly previews), a Rob Dyrdek fan fiction, and my personal journal I just started.

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