Wandering Knights Part 2

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10 years had gone by since Bell and Welf had started to attend the academy. They'd be lying if they said it was easy, they spend most of their time training or learning, it took them a long time but they are finally known as the 2 strongest knights at the academy. Bell is now 15 years old and has high wind magic with some experience with lightning magic. Welf is now 18 years old, he has been training with his swordsmanship as well as his smithing.

Bell and Welf were making there way to the academy, the headmaster had requested the both of them to show up at his office.

"Welf what do you think the headmaster wants with us?" Bell asked, "you think we did something wrong?"

"I doubt we did anything wrong" Welf said, "unless you got into another fight"

"No! I've been calm" Bell said, "besides it's not my fault people want to fight me"

"Sure sure" Welf said, "maybe you have one of those secret admirers" Welf teased as he patted Bell's back

"Please don't mention anything about them near grandpa" Bell said, "you know how serious he can get when I mention girls"

"Why does he get serious?" Welf asked, "I remember that one time we mentioned girls, he even joined in with us"

"That's just how he is" Bell said, "now hide me" he said as he dashed behind Welf as they walked pass some people, when they walked a decent distance Bell stopped hiding behind Welf

"Bell, please warn me before doing that" Welf said, "having you hide behind me is like having a bullseye on my back"

Bell started to laugh quietly while scratching the back of his head, "I'll try, but for now let's hurry to the headmaster's office" he said, "we wouldn't want to keep him waiting, he'll make us clean out the sparring room again" the two started to run their way into the castle and made their way to the western section.

Headmaster's Office
Bell and Welf ran up the hug set of stairs before finally making it to the final corridor, they made a left turn and arrived at the headmaster's office. The took a quick minute to fix themselves up before entering.

"H..Hello headmaster" Bell said as he entered the room, Welf followed suit.

"Good morning boys" the headmaster said, "stop the formalities for now, please take a seat" he said as he made a gesture towards the chairs in front of him.

"Okay, now I'm sure all of you are aware of that Rakia isn't as popular as it use to be" the headmaster said.

"Yeah" Bell said, "it lost its popularity after it used its large numbers to attack elven nations"

"Correct" the headmaster said, "before we all used to prosper together, I think it's time we rebuild our connection to the public"

"I see, but I don't understand why you need me and Bell" Welf added in, "why would you need us, I doubt we can influence them"

"That's where your wrong Welf" the headmaster said, "centuries ago we would hold tournaments, we decided to bring that back to establish our peace"

"Let me guess, you want me and Welf to represent Rakia?" Bell said

"Correct as always Bell" the headmaster said, "now will you participate?"

"I'm good with it as long as Bell agrees" Welf said, "you know that me and Bell fight as a team"

"Oh I'm going to agree" Bell said, "I can use this to explore new cities, as well as meet some new people"

"Very well, welcome to the tournament of the ages" the headmaster said with a grin, "let's not waste any time then"

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