Changed Destiny Part 4

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After Bell opened the grimoire he quickly fell unconscious, it was just like the time when he opened the grimoire that helped him obtain firebolt. After awhile he woke up and noticed that the book was now empty, meaning that it was a success.

"Time to check in with Erebus" Bell thought as he stood up from the chair and made his way to Erebus's room. As soon as he reached the door it opened revealing Erebus on the other side.

"Just in time" Erebus said as he gestured for Bell to go inside the room, "it's time for the next part"

"Next part?" Bell asked, "I thought the next part was to find the dragon."

"That's what I thought too, but it looks like we're going to have trouble. Evilus started to make their move against Orario" Erebus said, "we need to give Orario time to prepare. I'm guessing you know what I want you to do?"

Bell nodded, "you want me to go back to Orario to stir some trouble?"

"Well I wouldn't say trouble" Erebus said, "just go around so that Evilus will see you as a threat, that should open more time for Orario"

"When should I do this?" Bell asked.

"We actually have the perfect opportunity, Orario is holding a meeting. That would be the perfect time to appear" Erebus said.

"Okay, I'll head out now" Bell said, "is there any other information that I might need to know before going?"

"Not particularly, just be ready for the fight" Erebus said. Bell nodded and left, leaving Erebus in his thoughts.

Bell walked out of their small hideout and began to wonder what Erebus meant by that, the walk to Orario wasn't long but it was boring. It would be easy since the guards would most likely be attending the meeting.

Time Skip
Bell had arrived in the front gate of Orario, it was an entire ghost town. All the streets were empty and all of the doors were closed.

"This should be amusing" Bell joked as he walked through the streets of Orario, "there's only one place I know that can hold a lot of people" he began to make his way to the colosseum. It would be the best place to hold a meeting for the entire city.

"Looks like I was right" Bell thought as he approached the colosseum, he could hear a large amount of people talking from inside. It might have been the largest place to hold a meeting but it certainly wasn't the wisest. The city would be open to many outsiders which would make this the perfect time to attack.

Bell began to climb the colosseum until he reached the top, he decided to hear what the meeting was about.

"Everyone! Silence!" Bell recognized the voice, it belonged to Finn Deimne. He looked down to see the Loki and the Hestia Familia as well as Ouranos.

"How can we be silent!" A random person yelled out, "our city was infiltrated by Erebus! The same god that caused all the destruction in this city!"

"Please silence!" Ouranos yelled out, making everyone shiver with fear. He was to be treated with the upmost respect. "Now Finn, continue"

"Now, I'm sure all of you are scared but I'd like to tell you all that we have this under control" Finn said.

"Under control?" Another person asked, "you let him escape, who knows what he is planning next"

Finn was about to answer until one person walked into the colosseum and made their way to the two Familia's standing in the center.

"What are you doing here? You're not authorized to be here" a Loki Familia member said as he pointed the spear at the person.

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