chapter 5

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Second Person P.o.v.

Deleting the account you made to go to U.A. and crushed your phone like it's just a pesty cockroach causing Kirishima to be frightened, such a expensive device being crushed like its nothing will make somebody like Kirishima and lower to be crazy.

"well, there. No connections. No nothing." You clapped your hands together with a satisfied smile on your face.

"Those photos meant nothing to me since all YOUR classmates are plastic, Kiri'." You commented making him sweatdrop and laugh nervously.

"HEUSC. Buy me the most expensive Phone available please." You said as you pressed the all too familiar black 'earing' on your ear.

Kikuko just gave HEUSC to you earlier in the morning and Kirishima wanted to leave school today so he can help you, such a sweet guy.

"Phone purchased, Balance:Unlimited."
A few seconds later, a helicopter came making Kirishima shriek like a girl and incame a phone, handed to you by one of the people inside the flying vehicle then the helicopter left just like that.

Kirishima was still trying to process it and look at your unwrapping figure.
He looked over your shoulder and is shocked on the device ontop of your hands.

He guessed that device is equal to the bills on his house, if not, the whole house.

The shiny black screen glistened in the rays of the sun, you smiled in satisfaction.

"I missed this life." You breathed out and turned to kirishima who just smiled at you.

Calling HEUSC again, you ordered the most expensive red crocks there is with Kirishima's shoe size and it came a fee minutes later with another helicopter.

Giving the gift to Kirishima who denied it wholeheartedly but you just pout and acted disappointed he immediately took the expensive red crocks, thanking you for it that made you smile at him.

The crocks are very expensive that the Yaoyorazu Family can't buy such thing.

Yaoyorazu and Kambe are partners for generations now but with one harm on one's side, the partnership is over. The family Kambe don't need Yaoyorazu anyways since their company are a just a big nail polish company.

There are more important famous family than them. Like the L/ns, Ackermans and many more.

Speaking of Ackerman, you haven't seen your childhood buddy for 3 years. He didn't even know your going to Japan all by yourself without money whatsoever.

20,000$ is just a penny for rich people, a little to no price. That's what your father gave to you. Which relieved but disappoint you at the same time.

Facing Kirishima who now wears the expensive and comfy red crocks, he thanked you once again which you returned to 'oh its nothing' line.

Both of you hang out all day just to keep your mind off the event yesterday.

Going to the garden to have a picnic, playing sports, ordering things online and even going as far to go to a ride on the helicopter on the owned building of the L/ns.

Both of you really enjoyed your day and at dinner, you discussed the topic of going home to (country) tomorrow in the morning.

"Don't worry Kiri' you can always visit Nana here, considering she's all alone here and is needed with a company since the people here are too afraid to hold a conversation with her." You said, Nana chuckled and nodded her head.

"W-well, if I have time Nana. But! I'm not using you as an advantage or anything!!" He quickly added which made the old woman laugh softly.

"Oh no my dear, it's really alright. You can visit me anytime of the day." Kirishima smiled at her and nod his head before eating again.

"So, Y/n. Are you really going back to (country)? You know, you can stay here and let your burn heal first." You nod your head, taking a white handkerchief to wipe off the food in the corners of your mouth.

"Yes, Nana. I will have to. I need to clean my name up as soon as possible. And in this case, I need uncle Daisuke to solve the problem." You answered her, she nods her head, agreeing with you.

"You are right. But please be safe." You smiled at your grandma before replying;

"Ofcourse I will, plus! I can't wait to see-" she cut you off.


That certainly caught you off guard, you froze on your spot and smiled gently, sighing.


"BUT! I also miss mom and dad and Uncle too y'know!!" You quickly added, she laughed and Kirishima look at you confused as to who this 'Levi' guy is.

"Wait, who's this Levi guy, Y/n?" He asked while putting another spoonful of food.

"He's my childhood friend. Been close to him ever since we were like...5!" You answered him, he is satisfied with your answered and nod his head.

After dinner is finished, you and your redhead bestfriend are going through internet when you remembered something.

"Oh! Right, Here Kiri'." You typed something 'Y/n.Kam-/n'

"That's my original account. Only a few people know this!" You said and he immediately fish up his phone and sent a friend request which you immediately accept.

"And here's my social account!'' '(Username)-chan'

He also followed that account.

"Well, goodnight Kiri'." You said, he nodded his head in return and slept with you, cuddling you like yesterday night.

Eijirou Kirishima P.o.v.

I sighed as I adjusted my bagpack, looking out the window of this expensive Car the Kambe's owned. I feel like a king!

The car stopped where I wanted it to stop, I don't want to get attention just by riding a very expensive car out of knowhere.

Y/n told me not to tell anyone about her and her family. And I swore that I will not spill it, even if I have to lie. That's unmanly.

Arriving and opening our classroom door felt different for me knowing Y/n won't come and open the door like usual.

I am angry at Bakugou for cheating with Uraraka behind Y/n's back like that, not only that but he also Announced in the middle of a heated moment that he is cheating with Uraraka PROUDLY.

And I hate it.
Y/n deserves so much better.
She went through hell with their relationship. He didn't even cuddle, hug or just even hold her hand for godsake!!

But look at this now.
Them cuddling like a lovey dovey couple would do!! Her on his lap like a 5 year old!! I could see the hickies on her fucking neck!!

My blood boil at the sight, how could he treat Uraraka so differently from y/n!! Is it because in his point of view, she's 'POORER' than Uraraka?!

"Yow! Kiri my bro! Where were you yesterday?" Kaminari sling a arm on my shoulder but I wasn't in the mood.

"Shut up, Kaminari. I just want some stress relieving day." I answered dryly, Bakugou laughed loudly and everyon's attention was on him.

"Yeah, stress relieving by fucking that whore you call best friend!" He commented, so he overheard huh?

"Well, atleast I didn't treat my best friend a trash like you did to her." I glared at him but Bakugou either didn't notice or just ignored it and continued to smooch on Uraraka's face sometimes even biting it.

No one seemed to mind, Iida even allowed it considering that he don't want PDA represented in class heck! Even school makes me surprised.

I'll just rot here, atleast Y/n wouldn't see the disgusting scene right before my eyes.

She really loved him but I guess he didn't love her back.

He just wasted such precious girl for another.

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now