chapter 26

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Third Person P.o.v.

She turned her head towards the ocean blue sea to be greeted by Hange and the others.

Walking to their direction, she waved her arm to them to get their attention more, Sasha run up to her and hugged her by the waist with a grin on her face.

"Y/n! Today's so sunny and perfect for having a beach day! Your the best!" She said making the billionaire smile.

"Your welcome Sasha." She patted her brown hair that is tied in her usual short ponytail.

"Alright! L/n-san you look hot!" Blushed Mineta, a drop of blood coming down his nose.

"OI! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAMN PERVERT!" Shockingly, Bakugou yelled too, Uraraka bit jealous about it.

Levi picked the 'disgusting' purple haired boy and kicked him in the face, making him fly a couple of meters away from him and the others.

"Don't talk to her like that." He hissed at the short boy who's picking himself off the ground.

"So disgusting." She muttered with a shake of her head and walked to the sea to have a dip in the cold water of the sea.

"Ah!~ this is so relaxing." She breathlessly muttered after her whole body is consumed by the water.

She is suddenly lifted off the cold and relaxing water, replacing it with a broad shoulder.

Looking down with wide e/c eyes, she finds Eren with her thighs in between his shoulders.

"E-Eren!" She stuttered, pink blushing cheeks.

"We'll defeat you Connie!" He said and she noticed Sasha on top of Connie's shoulders with a grin on her face.

"Oh!" She gets it and Hange yelled ontop of her childhood friend's shoulder who's having trouble of balancing the both of them as she just jumped on him so suddenly,


In the end, both Levi and Hange won, with her surprisingly strong arms and Levi's strong legs and good balance.

(Que Present Mic's voice-
Levi Ackerman.
Quirk: Skill.
He can learn a new skill when trained/tried 25 times and get better at each time he uses the said skill.

Highest skills:
Cleaning and Combat

Drawback: tiredness)

Currently sitting in the fireplace outside the villa with a simple pajama and white T-shirt made from  comfortable bUT expensive type of fabrics with the others circling the warm fire.

"How about we play a game?" Suggested Mina with a grin on her face.

1st class glanced at the H/c haired girl who agreed with a small smirk on her face.

"Sure. Why not?" She agreed, they know she has a plan going on her head and they would like to get along.

"Okay! I'll go first! Mhmmn...L/n-san! Truth or dare!" She smirked at her way who just answered a 'Truth', making the pinknette groan.

"Fine!~ um, how rich is your family?" She asked, surely their money has some type of limitatio-

"HEUSC, how much is our balance?" She asked her AI through her earring that beeped and turned violet.

"Balance: Unlimited." The AI answered.

"What?! Is that even possible?!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. I proved it so it is possible." She rolled her e/c eyes like it was so obvious.

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now