chapter 45

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Third Person P.o.v.

The way she smiled made his heart flutter, the way she talked is so angelic and smooth to his ears, the way she acts makes him want to kiss her right then and there.

The spiky ash blonde was having the time of his life with the girl he loves.

They were getting along ever since that night, she finally saw his intentions were true. She saw he still loves her, they weren't exactly together for now but he's hoping they will again one day. And on that day, he will treat her like the queen she is.

Bringing them to an expensive restaurant (because she insisted and didn't want to have a cheap meal) he enjoyed every moment with her there.

Her sweet and genuine smile as she talked to him, her cute laugh and lady-like attitude, he loves it, he love everything about her.

The butterflies on his stomach can't stop flying as the time goes on.

Currently going back to the dorms from their 'date night' at his perspective, it was already late and an hour before cerfew will start. 10 P.M.

The car stopped infront of the dark dorm building, maybe everyone was already asleep.

He let out a silent sigh as he watched her black gloved hand hover over the silver colored doorknob.

As she turned it, he pulled her away from the door into his arms.

"Wh-what the-?! Bakugou!" She exclaimed, surprised by the sudden pull of the male.

"What are you doing?!" She whisper-yelled, noting his bare hand that caressed her cheek sweetly and lovingly.

Her e/c hues gazed at his soft touch while his ruby ones stared at her lovingly like he always did in these 9 months.

"I love you, Y/n." His husked voice sent chills down her spine as she blushed, he noticed her pink rosy cheeks and hid the smirk that's threatening to appear behind the soft smile.

He didn't care but it still disappoint him that she didn't say the words back. She didn't need to because he will, for once, be patient.

Her eyes travelled down from his hand to the floor, not ready to say it back because of her mixed feelings towards him.

The moon was shining above the sky, its baby blue colored light shined down at them both and the world, the cool breeze of the wind passing by them and the little lamp attached on each side of the door illuminating both teenagers as silence engulfed them.

"..I-..I don't know, Bakugou.." she told him, he smiled a little knowing she couldn't tell him Yet. Well, he hope so.

"But-hmph?!" Her e/c eyes widen in shock as she felt warm lips attach to her soft and pink ones.

His eyes was closed, covering his attractive rubies as he kissed her.
He couldn't take it anymore since he has been longing for her a year now and it was just the perfect moment.

Before she could process it, he pulled away and gave her one last small kiss on the forehead before saying his 'goodnight' and walked inside the dorms with pink cheeks and fast beating heart.

She stood there, shocked and flustered by the sudden kiss, her cloth covered fingers touched her lips slightly, Still ghostly feeling his lips.

She walked inside a few minutes later with flushed face and pursed lips, not knowing a certain pair of eyes glared daggers at his tea cup in hand in the dark.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" His yell echoed through the dorms, shocking everyone inside with the exception of Shota Aizawa who's still asleep in his room.

"What the-ack!" he held his now bruised cheek, making Uraraka gasp loudly from the other side.

"What the fuck was that?!" The ash blonde exclaimed as he rubbed his cheek.

"I should be asking you that!" Replied Levi.

It pained the black haired male to see his childhood friend kiss the guy he despised a lot, it made him feel like he has been friend-zoned silently.

He didn't know wether she kissed him back or not but what he did know is that he couldn't keep his anger and frustration in bay any longer.

"Levi!" Someone called from the crowd, getting a lot louder by the second until he felt arms wrap around his figure to prevent him from punching the ash blonde yet again.

"Levlev, please don't do this..." she muttered, hoping he'll listen to her words like always.

he relaxed slowly but the fire in his eyes burned brightly.

He turned to his childhood friend and took off her arms from his figure gently before walking out with clenched fists.

"You damn bastard..." he whispered, feeling the ash blonde's mental smirk.

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now