chapter 40

716 38 6

Third Person P.o.v.

All she needs is space, that's what he thought.

2 days has passed since she yelled rudely at him for the very first time of their friendship and both childhood friends Isn't any better.

She knew she has to apologize but he kept on avoiding her, she thought that it broke his heart because she yelled at him when in truth, he's just giving her the space she wants and needs.

But she took it the wrong way.

With them in a unspoken problem, the ash blonde has made his moves to ger close to her. He knew she wanted to confront him but didn't dare tell the blind clean freak.

Because it would mean less time with her for him.

"Hey, L/n." He knocked on the guest door, expecting the h/c haired lady he fell for.

His loving eyes dropped to a hot glare when the brunette who's always eating the damn cookies came and opened the door.

"Hm? Oh! Hey, Bakugou. What's up?" She asked, wiping the cookie crumbs that fell off her mouth.

"Shut up you pig, I'm here for L/n. Where the fuck is she?" He hissed, Sasha laughed.

"She isn't here. She went to go and pay her uncles a visit today!" She answered with a smile before lifting up her middle finger with a soft glare, she slammed the door in his face. Hard.

"This fucking pig..." he murmured under his breath.

"Hey, Katsuki. Do you want to join me while you're waiting for her?" A voice cooed.

"Mr.Daisuke has 4 broken ribs, torn skin on his wrists, broken nose, minor eye injury, dislocated arm and leg, a big gash on his back and a head injury." Said the doctor as the black haired woman could only nod her head with the young h/c haired girl crying, sitting behind her in one of the hospital chairs.

He had it worse, Uncle Daisuke has protected Uncle Haru. The brunette just woke up right now and explained what he could remember that night to the pro heroes working at U.A.

The poor detectives slash police slash spies has been beaten into a pulp and it made a toll of her mental health.

The worry and stress camd over the 17 year old teenager to no end. As well as the 45 years old woman.

Her e/c eyes was swollen, red nose and cheeks.

Y/n Kambe L/n is a crying mess on public but it did not bother her one bit. She didn't care about her 'reputation' as the future heiress of all the agencies and companies her family owns, she didn't care about the eyes that's looking at her the whole time, if there is.

"Is there a possibility that he would finally be awake?" Asked Suzue, the black haired woman was worried for her brother and friend.

Both men meant so much to her ever since they arrested her grandmother for being the person behind a long-time crime that somehow got out of the prison 5 years later.

"I..." the doctor thought for a moment.

The head injury was seriously critical since he hit his head on the concrete floor 10 more times from Mr.Kato's words.

"I don't know, Mrs.L/n. He hit his head multiple times on the concrete floor hard and he also has injured his left eye." Answered the doctor, unsure of when.

"But, it might be long before he finally opens his eyes. Maybe even have a memory loss. Depends on how long he fell into coma." The doctor added, Suzue couldn't hold back her tears anymore and thankfully, the doctor walked away after saying 'I have to go'.

She fell to her knees, crying and sobbing loudly. Her sobs echoed through the hospital's hallway.

They owned the hospital. A whole floor just for them, family or friends will be admitted here so no one would hear her loud sobs along with her daughter's.

The heartbreak and worry was too much for her, thus making her cry into her daughter's shoulder.

Both girls didn't know the h/c haired male's silent cries from the other side of the door attached to the hallway.

She came back, dress and hair messy, e/c eyes puffy and drained energy.

It didn't help at all when she saw the ash blonde is seated with his arm on his 2nd ex-lover.

She saw her childhood friend about to walk in the kitchen, probably making his usual tea.

Her heels clacked against the shining floor fast and grabbed his clothed arm.

Levi Ackerman P.o.v.

I felt a hand gripped on my arm, turning to see who, I saw my love.

She was a mess. F/c dress dishelved, h/l h/c hair a mess and e/c eyes swollen.

She burried her head on my chest, I could feel the fabric getting wet from her tears yet again.

Her arms snaked their way towards my upper and lowerback, tight and secure.

I look down at her with my grey eyes full of worry and love just for her.

Though emotionless, I let out a small sigh and returned the hug she desperately needed.

Everyone knew, I have a soft spot reserved just for her and only her. I don't know if she knows yet or not, but I didn't care about it.

Her muffled sobs and cries made my heart break every second I hear it. She has been through alot ever since we came here.

The lust and plain disgust was sent her way from the incident, the effort she put through, risks she took just to make her revenge smooth and planned until it reached its end, the heartache she experienced and now, the worry, and stress is eating her out slowly.

"Levi..." she croaked, burying her head more onto my chest.

"Shh..." I hushed.

I desperately want to take the pain away from her. if that so happens, I would gladly take it with open arms.

"Uncle...Uncle Daisuke..Levi...Uncle Daisuke m-might not wake u-up." She said though hiccups and sobs.

I sent the brats a glare, 1st class gasped and flinched before getting ordered by second in comand, Zoe Hange to make a comfort space for My Y/n.

It'll all disappear Y/n, the pain will disappear one day my dear love.

Katsuki Bakugou P.o.v.

I know I'm currently courting her but I couldn't just deny Pink Cheek's request.

The wholw morning, we cuddled in the common room area which made her extremely happy.

When the door opened, my heart cracked a little more than it already is when I saw the sight of Y/n.

Her e/c hues that I love so much locked onto mine's. I could feel the smirk growing on Chubby Cheek's face.

I stood up, making my way to her when she walked to that short fucking boy.

I swear to god, he looks like he's the perverted grape's cousin! So fucking tiny!

She welcomed herself into his arms like it was home, my red orbs glaring daggers at the back of his head.

She cried suddenly, her muffled sniffs, sobs and hiccups could be heard from where I stood with the others.

I know she has a damn family issue but does she really have to cry into his arms?!

He's been avoiding her for fuck's sake! I was always there for her the past 2 damn days! Even if she likes it or not! I was there to comfort her!-well, attempted to-since she always push me away.

He gave us a glare, the damn guests flinched and is being told by the crazy bitch to set up a 'comfortable space' for Y/n.

I took one last glance at her beautiful face before walking out the room to my dorm.

"She'll be okay. I know she will be."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ