chapter 23

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Third Person P.o.v.

The ash-blonde stomped his way to his ex-girl, grabbing her by the collar of her THS uniform, his other hand producing explosions close to her beautiful face.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT YOU EXTRA!!!" He yelled, the girl's classmates immediately ran towards them and separated them, others got worried if Y/n got injured or hurt while her childhood friend grabbed her ex's own collar.

(This is the reason behind his tall height btw.^-^)

"Don't talk to her like that you motherfucker!" Rage is filled behind Levi's shining blue eyes as he finally got enough of her ex's outbursts.

"And who the fuck are you to say that to me you piece of shit?!" Replied Bakugou.

"Her Childhood Friend! I am that and not a piece of shit! If anyone else is a piece of shit, it's you!" Bakugou growled at the black haired teenager.

"Now, shut the fuck up because she's just saying what's on her mind to that cheap girl you call your girlfriend!" Levi let go of his 'dirty' collar while the ash-blonde stumbled back a little.

"You clean freak! She's not fucking cheap!" He defended.

Levi flip him off before checking on his beloved to see if he hurts her.

"Ah, no. It's fine. I'm fine, no need to worry about me, Levlev." She smiled at him which he replied with a nod of his head.

"If you dare touch her again, We will kill you next time." They all threaten the ash-blonde who seemed unfazed but truly shuddered on the inside.

"Tch, like you can!" He smirked, as if he was the most powerful man in the world.

"Oh we will." They murmured, dangerous aura surrounding them as Y/n is behind them, proud of her friends and appreciating their over protectiveness.

" match!" Interuppted Present Mic, everyone's attention on him as both blonde pro heroes pick a piece of paper inside the clear jar.

"Mikasa Ackerman Vs. Kyouka Jirou!" He announced, purple eyes glanced at their opponent's cold, blue eyes before walking away to the battle field.

(Que Present Mic's voice with the usual upbeat music playing on the background-
Mikasa Ackerman.
Quirk: Slice.
She can slice perfectly with any type of sword/blade.
Drawback: numb hands.)

"And, start!" Said Present Mic from the sidelines.

Jirou striked the first attack with her quirk, Mikasa sheathed her sword from her hip and blocked her opponent's attack using her weapon.

Mikasa's keen blue eyes observed her opponent's body language a few meters away.

'Left!' She thought, quickly jumping out her position to dodge Jirou's earphome jack, the purple haired girl gritted her teeth as her opponent kept on dodging her attacks.

She let both her earphone jack to attach to her but sadly, the ravenette kept on dodging her quirk and already made a plan of her own.

Mikasa used the debris as her attack by slicing it in perfect circles and kicked it to her opponent's direction.

Jirou used her speakers that is built on her hero costume's boots and let out a ear breaking sound that it made the rocks fly back or break apart.

The black haired female ran to the purple teenager who sent endless attacks with both her earphone jacks but is sadly blocked with Mikasa's sword.

Jirou dodged Mikasa as the ravenette dived at her, sword stuck on the ground and Jirou a few meters away from her opponent.

Everyone from THS knew it was an attack, holding back smirks that only turned into mischievous smiles whilst Class 1-A was happy that their classmate managed to make her opponent stuck her own weapon at the ground.

Present Mic was ready to make Jirou as the winner when Mikasa turned her sword that made the concerete floor crack and it led to her opponent's direction which she fell. (Garen reference!)

Jirou let out a yelp as she fell on the hole created by Mikasa who just watched as the purple haired female wiggled to get out but sadly, she can't as the concrete tightly wrapped itself on her lower body.

"What the-?! I'm stuck!" She said, using her earphone jacks to crack the floor which will clearly take a few minutes.

"Alright! We have our winner!!! It's Mikasa Ackerman everyone!!!" Announced Present Mic while the said winner didn't even glance back or help her opponent to get out of the hole and left the area where others congratulated her win.

'Rude much?' Thought Jirou as she is still stuck in the hole waiting for Cementoss.

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