chapter 33

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Third Person P.o.v.

Eating breakfast from a restaurant to having fun in a place she least expect, Y/n forgot what happened that night.

The black haired billionaire really made her enjoy the date and forget what happened.

"Alright, we're here." He told her, the car parking itself from his own AI and all they heard was screams and laughter.

"Yes! What is it this time, Levi?" She asked, a smile of excitement plastered on her face and sparkles appearing on her e/c eyes once again.

"Carnival." He answered, already disgusted by the surroundings but kept quiet for her sake.

"I have never been to one before." She told him as both of them opened the blue car and walked to the entrance, paying for the tickets before proceeding to go inside.

"Where do we go first?!" She asked yet again as she held the map of the big place.

"Where do you want to go?" He looked at her.

"Hmmn, how about this shooting thing here nearby?" she suggested, he nodded and complied, walking to the said stand.

"Hello young ones! Do you want to give my stand a try? It's very simple! Just pop 5 balloons with 6 tries and you will win a teddy bear!" The owner said, both billionaires look at each other before nodding.

"Sure." He shrugged.

"That will be 200¥ please." He payed 1000¥ to the owner, saying to keep the change which they gladly accept without hesitation.

Y/n leaned on the counter of the stand, black gloved hand on the 'dusty' counter and e/c orbs observing the area around them.

Levi took one of the darts and aimed, completely focused on the balloons before deciding to shoot which missed.

"Oops! You missed Mister!" The owner said, hiding smirk with a fake smile.

Her eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed, getting suspicious of this person.

Levi aimed yet again but is stopped by his partner.

"Wait," she held his clothed arm.
"-let me try that." She told him, he nodded his head in agreement and gave her the dart.

Putting on her glasses, he knew she's using HEUSC to help her since it was clear the owner is doing something.

And she was right, the person's foot was pressing against something that makes the balloons move aside a little, mostly unnoticed by their previous costumers.

She aimed, with the help of HEUSC and shoot. She look down at the owner's feet and sure enough, they pressed the button and the balloons moved to where she shot the dart just in time.

"Yes!" She cheered, the owner was surprised.

She passed the dart to Levi who already knows what's going on and continued to aim it perfectly to the side.

All balloons being popped and they were given a big, white teddy bear that 'smells' to Levi and 'cheap' for both of them.

"We should probably give this to either Hange or Sasha, I know Mikasa isn't the type of cuddling something at night." She said, he nodded his head.

He would buy her something that is on her standards, not that cheap big thing on her hands. Be it another one of those or a dress.

"Alright! Next will be the thing called 'roller coaster'." He nodded yet again and got a ticket for the ride, having to wait for a couple of minutes.

Groaning out of annoyance, he tapped his foot on the ground and observed the area.

"Are they really enjoying it or are they damn scared like pussies?" He asked, making her laugh.

Her laugh sounds music to his ears that he wants to replay everyday and night to hear it and he will never get bored of it.

"Maybe both?" She shrugged her shoulders after her small laughter, the line moving.

"This is taking so damn slow, why the fuck would people go here if all they do is scream like a bitch?" His annoyance grew every second, standing straight with a scowl on his face.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe because it's exciting? The thrill and chills you'll get? I never really experienced one before so I can't tell you." She answered.

"Oh! It's our turn now!" She grabbed his rough hand making him blush a dust of pink and walk in the very front of the ride.

"Oooh! This is going to be exciting!"

Her throat was sore from screaming and eyes watery from the wind that hit her face, hair a mess and arms was red from hugging her date tightly.

She's still shaking a little after the ride whilst he fixed himself and ran a hand through his hair.

'Fuck that's hot.' She thought, immediately blushing after such a thought.

"Let's go, it's getting late and I can tell you don't like it here anymore." He gently grabbed her black gloved hand with his white gloved one and led them to their blue car that was being photoshooted by people.

He 'coughed' to get their attention, the people snapped their head to him and scurried off quickly, making him roll his grey eyes.

Opening the door, he guided her to sit down on her seat and he on his before connecting his AI to control the car safely back to school.

"Ugh, Levlev I'm not going back there again." She said, eyes closed and head on his shoulder.

"Yeah we shouldn't. You look like shit after the ride." He replied, smirking a little.

"Pfft. Shut up." She playfully smacked his toned chest.

'Holy shit, I can feel his abs in detail through his thin shirt!!' Her thought made a blush form on her cheeks yet again.

"Neh, Levi." She called. he hummed, eyes shifting to her figure on his shoulder

"Thanks for today. I enjoy our date." She smiled with her eyes closed.

"Welcome brat. I just don't like you being all damn sad because of that fucking ex of yours." He patted her head.

"Hmmm.." she hummed, snuggling more to him.

She fell asleep after sometime, them nearing to U.A. high. He pecked her forehead and cheeks before rubbing his nose with hers.

"I love you, idiot."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now