chapter 32

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Third Person P.o.v.

"Can you please give me a chance?"


s the only thing that kept Y/n awake, it's already 1 A.M. and she's outside the dormitory with juice pouch on her hand, the cool breeze hit her exposed skin, making her shiver slightly.

It has already been a week since the sports festival and Uraraka has been put on a month house arrest.

Bakugou told the h/c haired girl that he wanted to have a second chance with her, which she gladly decline.

Who would be stupid enough to date their ex boyfriend who treated her like nothing?

"I won't give up, Y-L/n. I'll make sure you'll mine." He told her before he kissed her forehead and left.

She wanted to punch him, kick him but she didn't that night. She was frozen.

She still could feel his lips on her forehead, her e/c eyes yet again filled with forming tears that soon fell down her cheeks.

"I hate him. I hate him." She breathlessly muttered as she sniffed softly alone outside the dorms.

But she hated herself the most for wanting, needing more of his kisses.

"Fuck him...damn it, I hate him." She muttered, her tears fell on the floor as she cried in the cold breeze outside the dorms.

she felt a jacket being placed on her shoulder, she tensed up and look at the person who placed it, hoping it isn't Aizawa.

She sighed in relief when it wasn't Aizawa who placed the jacket on her shoulders.

"Why are you crying idiot?" He asked, grey eyes looking at his childhood friend.

"Ah-ha...well, I just remembered something." She told him.

"Tell me now, brat." He demanded, sitting beside her to listen like he always did every time. Even though he wouldn't admit it.

"Well, Bakugou wanted a second chance." She muttered, with his great hearing, he heard and gritted his teeth silently.

"What the hell? After everything he did to you he suddenly wanted a second fucking chance?"

"Mhmn, I guess so." She leaned her head on his shoulder which made him blush a little.

"Well? What did you say dumbass?" He asked her, suddenly nervous.

"Of course I said no." Her voice was muffled as she dig her head on the crook of his neck, completely hugging him. Wanting his comfort and warmth.

"I see." He let out a silent sigh of relief after her answer, gazing up the midnight sky, the moon glowed beautifully at the two in 1 A.M. in the morning.

"Hey, brat." He called, she hummed indicating she's listening and wasn't asleep yet.

"I'll take you out tomorrow if you want." He told her, with shock she left his warmth and looked at him with sparkling, swollen e/c eyes.

"Really?!" She asked.

"Why did I even ask if I'm not sure you brat?!" He got annoyed, she giggled and hugged him yet again but tighter.

"Yay!!" Her happiness being muffled through his white shirt, he slightly smiled at her which got unnoticed by the female billionaire as she snuggled her head on his clothed chest.

"Your the best Levlev!" She pecked his cheek out of reflex, both blushing after what she did.

"Uh..uhmn.." she got cut off by his finger pressed against her soft, pink lips.

"Shut it you brat. It's fine." It wasn't fine. It was heavenly! For him.

"Where are we going tomorrow exactly?" She asked, eyes full of curiousity.

"You will have to find out because I'm not telling you." He told her as his arms got comfortable at her waist, grey eyes looking at the moon and stars above them.

"Hmph!" She huffed with a pout, her own arms on his upper back.

"It's getting late and cold, let's go inside and you need to sleep or else we won't go." He told her with a soft glare.

"Ehh? Fine." She attempted to stand up. Keyword(s): attempted to.

He lift her up like a bride and princess, glancing at her flushed face after.

"You can't just go around and lift me up you idiot Levi!" She scolded which he ignored completely.

"Hey! I'm talking to you Levi Ackerman!" She kept on talking, hoping he'll listen.

"Shut it, N/n. Your going to wake up others." He told her, using her old nickname to shut her up.

He smirked. "Now let's go to our room, sleep and be ready for later." He instructed as he walked upstairs.

"Fine! But I'm just wearing a simple outfit."

"I don't care what you wear. Just don't go out with revealing outfits or I will cancel it."

'or I might get jealous.' He thought.

He opened their unlocked room and placed her on the bed, she bounced slightly which made her giggle and crawled in the soft warmth of the blankets.

"Sleep." He demanded, she smiled at told him 'goodnight' before turning to the side and closed her beautiful e/c eyes that he love so much.

"I won't let him be with you again, N/n."

The birds chirped from the outside, Mr.Golden Sun shining brightly and a h/c haired girl humming softly as she brushed her h/l hair with a smile.

Her baby blue colored whole dress swaying softly as she slow danced by herself alone in the small guest room.

Her e/c eyes was sparkling in excitement for her and Levi's hang out. She finds it weird though since he's not those type of people who invites their friends to hang out but push the thought aside and agreed without hesitation.

Her white heels clacking softly against the wooden floor, looking at herself one last time in the mirror before walking out the room.

"Good Mor-oooh, where are you going Y/n?" Hange wiggled her eyebrows as she noticed the girl's attire.

"Hmm? Oh! I'm just going t-"

"We're going on a Date, glasses." Her childhood friend told the girl who's eyes widen in surprise.

Bakugou spit his water to the sink as he heard those words.

'Date. A Fucking Date!' He thought with wide red eyes and gritted teeth, the glass cracking from his strength.
poor glass.

"What the hell do you mean date?" His mouth talk without him.

"A date is someone personally asking you out — that sometimes can get confused with a one-on-one hangout, depending on the way they mention it or which medium they use to ask you or if it happens to be a group hangout, Bakugou." Said Armin as he ate his breakfast from the other side of the table.

"And this is a one on one date." Levi mentioned.

Eren sat next to Bakugou, completely unfazed but happy for Levi.

"The shorty made his move already, hedgehog. You should make yours soon before it's too late." Eren said, warning him quietly.

"Tch, I will don't worry Titan boy " he rolled his eyes.

"I will soon."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now