chapter 36

857 36 26

Third Person P.o.v.

Monday morning, everyone was on their seats waiting for Aizawa to come in.

2 months and the very long 'expedition' will be all over and she could get back to country again peacefully.

She already cleared the dirt on her name, all she can do now is be stuck here for 2 months before flying back to (country) with 1st class.

Currently chatting with Sasha about food, the doors open to see Mr.Aizawa on his sleeping bag like always.

He slithered from the doorway to the table before going out of his yellow sleeping bag to teach a lesson.

"Alright, today I'm going to partner you up for a project. Either it's your classmate or not. I choose." He simply stated, making Class 1-A groan already.

1st class isn't even bothered in the slightest since they are okay with it. Be it from class 1-A or their comrades.

The tired black haired man began to announce the partners for the project.
Some with groans and terror in their eyes or a high five.

"Todoroki Shoto and Levi Ackerman." Both just stared at each other for a moment before turning their attention to Aizawa once again.

"Lastly, Katsuki Bakugou and Y/n L/n." The shock of both partners was visible to everybody.

"Wait, sir. Can I change a partner or maybe just go and be on my own? I'd rather be like that than having him my partner in this project!" The h/c haired girl raised her black gloved hand that has a beautiful white bracelet on it.

"No. What I pick is what you will obey. Stop complaining and get to work." Is all he said before falling on the floor and sleep.

"..." she huffed, crossing her arms and legs, eyebrows furrowed and a pout on her lips.

"Stop pouting or I'll kiss it." Said a voice behind her.

"Shut the fuck up." She hissed not looking at him.

"Tch, the project said to write and explain the history of heroes and quirks by the way." He told her, grabbing an empty seat and sit beside her.

She made sure to keep her distance from the ash blonde before grabbing the paper from his rough hand and read it.

"It's very simple. I'll just let somebody print-" she got cut off with his hand on her cheek.

"Nah, let do it in handwriting. After all, it says there that we have to Write it not Print it." He muttered a bit 'sexy' that made her shudder.

"Your breath stinks by the way." She mentioned, she can hear Levi chuckle from his seat and Hange holding her laughter.

"What the fuck. my breath Doesn't stinks you beautiful angel." He made a nickname.

"Stop using that nickname from your mouth, I don't like it." She gagged, clearly disgusted by the nickname.

"I know you don't like it."  He smirked, leaning close to her a bit and whispered directly against her ear.

"You love it." His closeness made her feel uncomfortable and told him,

"Have you heard of 'personal space'?" She asked, he shook his head with a sigh before they heard the bell ring.

"Oi, Angel." He called, clearly looking for his 1st ex-lover who heard but didn't bother to look and speak.

"Y/-" he got cut off.

"It's L/n-san to you, Bakugou." Hissed Jean as he passed by, the h/c haired girl thanked him silently with a nod.

"L/n." He corrected, this time she turned and rose a brow.

"Let's get the shit over with in a cafe not far from here. You look presentable enough to go out." He grabbed her by the hand, shocked written on her face and ran through her whole body, making him drag her easily without resistance.

He clearly noticed the burning glare of grey eyes on the back of his head but decided to ignore it and walked her to the nearest cafe.

Her f/c heels clacking against the road and black glove almost slipping as he held her hand.

"Why the hell do you wear gloves anyways?" He asked suddenly out of the blue.

"Ugh, because I don't want my hand to get dirty." She rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious answer.

'Yeah, because Levlev's cleaning obsession rubbed off on me. Bad.'  She thought, bringing a small smile on her face.

"Oh, we're here. Let's go idiot." He told her, opening the cafe's door.

The atmosphere was calm and the smell was relaxing, the soft chatter of costumers was quiet and the faint music playing on the background.

It kindal of look like a library to her from the quiet chatter except they serve food and drinks plus there was a soft melody of a guitar playing faintly on the background.

"I already brought the supplies so no need to damn worry about that." He said, bringing his bag full of supplies.

"You like strawberry flavored things right?" He asked her, knowing she likes drinking strawberry flavored stuff back when they were at middle school.

"Ah. No. It was dragonfruit you bastard." She once again rolled her eyes at him.

Ever since she saw a worm coming out of a damn strawberry, she never ate nor drink a flavored one. And she was still 12 at that time.

All this time, he thought It was strawberry? He really doesn't know her to the point where he mistaken her drinking strawberry flavored drinks and he hoped he has a chance with her again? She wanted to laugh at that.

"Tch, I just thought it was one since it's pink." He rolled his eyes, fluttered by his mistake.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just make sure they serve a fresh one or I'll be closing this damn store whether they like it or not." She shooed him with her hand, not minding the people who heard her.

"Alright fine, I'll tell them. Stay put and wait for me before we start alright?" He asked, she replied with a nod of her head.

"Good girl." He said, pecking her cheek before going to the counter and order their drinks and food.

Her cheeks became pink but quickly shook it off and sighed, not noticing his red eyes witnessing her rosy pink cheeks.

"One point for me, you clean obsessed bastard."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now