chapter 39

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Third Person P.o.v.

To say it is hard is not the right word to describe it, it is tough for a girl like her.

Both Uncle Daisuke and Uncle Haru got into an accident during their mission, leading them to a critical state.

Mommy Suzue and Daddy F/n got into a big fight and decided to take a break from each other.

She was left with decisions and questions. Who will she side? Are her uncles okay? What if one of them dies? What will happened? Is she going to interfere or not?
Many questions invaded every corner of her mind, leaving her spacing out of class.

Her classmates got worried about her current state, even Class 1-A and Aizawa.

All they could do is comfort her with words and hugs. Nothing more and it got to the girl's nerves everytime they check up on her.

Although he didn't show it, Levi is very worried about her.

So he decided to pay her a visit and check out on her for the first time since this happened.

Opening the guest room door, he saw the girl on her phone with dark eyebags on her eyes.

"Y/n." He called, she hummed.

"Oi, brat talk to me." He demanded, yet she didn't talk nor turn her head to him. Her attention is all focused on the phone in hand.

"Y/n Kambe L/n." He used her full name with a glare yet, she didn't acknowledged him still.

"Y/n!" He once again called, a little rude tone on his voice this time.

''WHAT?!" She yelled, frustrated.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed a bit and grey eyes full of concern.

"I'm fucking fine! Stop bothering me already!!" She exclaimed, making the black haired male step back a little though, his emotionless facade is still there.

"Everyone's worried about you, brat." He told her.

"Well, it's so damn irritating! It's not their problem! Their not my family! I don't need their worry, pity and sympathy! All I need is a space! A damn space Levi! And here I thought you understand me because you didn't give a damn!" She took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh after what she told him.

"..." he got quiet, he never faced this type of Y/n L/n before, he knew her as the intelligent, independent, kind and positive one.

"Y/-" he got cut off.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!! JUST GET OUT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR DAMN FACE!!" She yelled, pointing at the door with frustration clearly written on her face.

"Fine." Is all he said with a silent venom on his voice before opening the door and walked out.

She breathed through her mouth, eyes closed already stressed about the situation and hands on her forehead. She didn't even wear her usual black gloves making her soft and perfect hands come into view.

She has tears at the edge of her eyes from yelling at her childhood friend.
She wasn't mad, she was just frustrated and stressed about her current family's situation.

She sobbed alone the dark room since it's already 7:37 p.m. with curtains closed and lights off. The moonlight's calming blue color was being covered by the thick curtains provided by U.A. and hardly met the room.

Her e/c glossy eyes opened and a pair of tears ran down to her cheeks. It has been 12 days since Uncle Daisuke and Uncle Haru is being admitted to the hospital and 5 days since Mommy Suzue and Daddy F/n fought.

Her sobs echoed through every corner of the room, she didn't hold back on crying since she knew it would just be worse if she did so.

The pain on her heart was getting worse and worse everyday and a little bit guilt added today from yelling at the concerned Levi.

"I'm sorry damn it..." she whispered to no one as she cried alone in the dark room.

Outside the door stood her childhood friend who heard her sad cries and sobs, his heart aching from her words before.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!! JUST GET OUT! DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR DAMN FACE!!"  Those words really hit him different from others.

He clutched his clothed chest and held back the tears with all his might. He isn't crowned 'THS's strongest' for nothing.

He didn't want someone to catch him pathetically cry over one yell from a girl but it hurt so much. Like being hit by a truck or being squished by a building.

"Are you alright, Levi?" Asked the brunette, crouching down while the black haired billionaire didn't even know he's sitting on the dusty floor.

'I better let someone wash my clothes later.' He thought.

"Shut up you brat and I'm fine." He spat, giving the brunette a glare with his grey eyes.

Eren has to admit, the glare that the shorter haired boy sent him gave chills that made all the hair of his body stand up.

"I heard her yells from the outside and it worries me more, but I think when I'm in her situation, you should give me space." He suggested.

"And silent comfort, wait until she comes and go back to you, she'll apologize after but for now, give her the space she wants and needs before she approach you, Captain." He added.

"Alright brat, I'll take your advice. Get out of here, Eren." He told him, the green eyed boy smiling before standing up and walking away from the billionaire.

"Guess your being yelled by her, how does it feel now Captain?" He smirked at the poor billionaire that is being yelled by the girl he loved.

"Shut the fuck up, Porcupine. Atleast I'm not being yelled at all the damn time like you." He shot back, making the ash blonde glare at him with his red eyes.

"Shut up, clean freak short boy. I'm  asking you, how the fuck does it feel?"

"It feels like shit. Like you. A piece of shit." He truthfully told the blonde with a stoic face.

"Grr, I'm not a piece of shit you son of a bitch." He replied.

"I'm not a son of a bitch when my mom is no bitch, you don't know her so you don't have the right to call her that." Levi hissed.

"Tch, why are you even care for a girl like her?" The blonde questioned.

"Because I fucking love her more than anyone else does."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now