chapter 35

830 44 13

Third Person P.o.v.

The fight between the ex-lovers were done, Levi ended up ordering food from the restaurant which made everyone's tummy satisfied.

The girls from 1st class has done their best to comfort their crying friend in the guest room.

Muttering curses and threats to Bakugou behind his back, promising her to maybe kill him.

The ash blonde could only return to his dorm room and sulk once again after the 'fight'.

The black haired billionaire was more than relieved when she procceeded the 3 words. he could feel his heart sink from above to the stomach aggressively on that moment.

He adjusted his red tie before knocking on the guest room door, wanting to see how she is now.

"Brat." He called, the girls from the other side turned their heads to the door.

"It's shorty." Hange said, knowing his voice.

"Should we let him in, Y/n?" Asked Mikasa as she separated herself from the warm blanket they shared while watching a movie.

"Yeah, let him in." She agreed, voice a bit cracked from crying and pouring her emotions to the ash blonde and the girls.

The black short haired female got up and opened the door, the lights from outside walking in the dark room with only the T.V. on.

"Ew." Was the first thing he said as he observed the now messy room.

5 tubs of different kinds of flavored ice cream, crumbs, plastics from the chips, CDs all over the floor and tissues scattered everywhere.

"Really?" Hange deadpanned with the h/c haired female who's hair was a mess and e/c eyes very red and swollen.

"Yes. 'Ew'. You better clean this damn place before cockroaches starts to come. I don't want those pests here in this room." disgust painting his beautiful face as he told the girls.

"Can't you see we're comforting our beloved Y/n Ackerman?!" She hugged the h/c haired girl a bit too tight.

Levi wanted to hear her name and his surname again but kept quiet with a stoic expression on his face like always.

"You forgot the coma there, Zoe." Sasha told her friend who laughed.

"Oh, sorry Sasha. Ahem. Y/n, Ackerman." She corrected, making Levi dissapointed a bit on the inside.

"I'm okay now guys, thank you for comforting me girls." She thanked the girls who smiled and picked up the trash and taking it with them as they leave, not wanting to anger Levi.

The boy sighed as both billionaires heard the door close. Picking up a broom and dustpan, he cleaned the left overs and crumbs before tidying the messy bed.

With him doing all this, she just sat on the chair they put. Not knowing what to do since she has no knowledge about cleaning too.

After putting away the tools of cleaning, he clapped his white gloved hands to get rid of the forming dust that sticked there before grabbing a hair brush.

"You look like shit you idiot." He commented honestly, she pouted, looking at him through the mirror as he brushed her messy hair.


"O-ow! Don't be so rough, Levi!" Kirishima and Kaminari stopped dead on their tracks with Ashido and Uraraka.

"Tch, brat. Stay put or else it'll hurt more!" His muffled voice from the other side is heard.

"Fuck! Ngh!" She groaned.

The 4 people who heard blushed on the outside, clearly getting the wrong idea.

"I-I don't want to burst down in the middle of their..ahem. it isn't manly" Kirishima coughed.

"Aahh...somebody must stop snd give th-them a scolding to not do it a-again." Suttered Mina as she blushed.

"I-I'll do it." Kaminari took the risk and took a deep breathe.

"L-LEVI!!" She shouted.

"G-go on Kaminari! Open the damn door!" Encouraged Uraraka as her cheeks turned pink.

"I have never been so scared in opening a door in my life." He muttered, not bothering to knock and just plainly opened the door.

E/c and grey eyes turned to the shocked, his stick stuck inside her.

"U-uhh..." the 4 was completely speechless.

"What the fuck do you want?" Hissed Levi as he stopped.

"U-uhmm..we were just wondering why sh-she's screaming..." Krisihima scratches the back of his neck.

The hair brush was stuck on her almost smooth h/c hair since there is still a few tangles in it.

"I-never mind. Sorry for disturbing you guys! Bye!" Ashido shut the door rather loud.

Both childhood friends look at each other and shrugged, letting the black haired boy brush her hair softly this time.

"hey, Remember Isabel and Farlan?" She suddenly asked their other childhood friends.

"Hmm? Yeah." He nodded his head.

"If I remember correctly, the last time we saw them was on 5th grade when they moved out (country) to (another country) amd I haven't heard of them since." She smiled and looked at him through the mirror.

"Yeah, the brats were annoying as hell." He rolled his eyes, she jusy chuckled.

"Pfft. Just admit it. You love them."

"I don't." He denied.

"Alright. But I know deep down you miss and love them like I do."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now