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The boy approached her, once she was infront of him, he cleared his throat that suddenly felt dry from all the nervousness.

"Y/n." His voice was stern and strict like always but deep inside the boy, he was a wreck! His heartbeat was fast, sweat basically all over him and negative thoughts filled his mind every second, wanting to give up already.

But, this is Levi Ackerman we're talking about, ofcourse he isn't going to back down, besides she already knew he has feelings for her anyway.

"I know you already know this but I'm just going to say this again..." he gulped, scooping her face into his gloved covered hands and leaned in.

She closed her eyes softly, suddenly frozen by his actions and didn't want to leave from that position.

"...I love you, brat. I may not be the perfect guy out there but I'll do my very fucking best to be the best boyfriend. Even better than that excuse of an ex of yours. I have my flaws and strength but I will love you for-fucking-ever. I promise you that, I already am inlove with you ever since we were 6 for godsakes!" He mumbled, she listened to every word he said.

"I was hurt when you said you had a boyfriend, but what hurts me the most is when I saw the sadness in your eyes just remembering all the fucked up shit he did to you, you deserve the world, brat. And I, Levi Ackerman will give you everything I have just to be with you..."

"I love you."

She teared up, her heart melted by his words. She knew he meant it, the loving short speech he gave made the butterflies in her stomach fly.

Her e/c eyes shined in realization that HIS love, Levi Ackerman's love is all she needed. It is right infront of her eyes but she was blind to see, too blind to see in a decade.

"I...I love you too, Levi." She whispered, somehow couldn't voice out more.

She saw his sweet, rare smile through blurry eyes before locking his lips with hers, wrapping his arms around her waist and hers around his neck, they shared a beautiful moment together.

Tears formed in his red eyes as he witnessed the childhood friends kiss. he didn't know he was going to confess to her today too. He was the one who made the effort to make a letter with the help of his friends, he put his pride down just for her and yet, he was undirectly being rejected.

Bakugou sighed, rubbing the tears that formed on his eyes furiously.

"It's just a fucking girl, Katsuki...get over it." He muttered to himself.

"Yeah, just a girl that was once yours.." he tried comforting himself but, to no avail it did not work.

"That loved you so fucking much, yet is too blind to see. Too fucking drived by a fucking bitch." He gritted his teeth, throwing the rose at the nearest trashcan.

"And now, look what it fucking got you. She's with that damn bastard now." He walked away angirly.

"You can't blame anyone anyway, it was your fault, Bakugou." Eren smirked.

"I fucking know that titan bitch!" He exclaimed, looking into the brunette's head as Eren watched the scene unfold.

"Someday, maybe me and Mikasa would do that." He muttered.

"Tch." The ash blonde tsked and walked away from the observing titan shifter, now noticing everyone from THS was also hiding in the shadows as well, observing their comrades in the dark.

"Fucking creeps." He muttered.

"She was mine, and I wasted it.





The end.

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now