chapter 37

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Third Person P.o.v.

5:36 P.M., the sun is slowly going down to be replaced by the moon soon enough. The ash blonde and his project partner, Y/n finally left the cafe after 3 hours of complaints and suggestions.

The male flirted with her from time to time, even going so far as to kiss her cheek and forehead which she finds disgusting.

"Hey, Angel?" He asked, making her groan from the nickname he used and turned to him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" She spat.

"I love you." He meant those 3 words with all his heart, mind and soul. His heart was pounding like a drum, everything except her was a blur. As if they weren't there and it's just her and him.

She could tell he meant it by the look of his eyes. His ruby red eyes she fell for a year ago, the ones that also betrayed her. Hated her. And now they love her.

"I hate you too." She replied, e/c eyes on the streets when his arm grabbed her elbow to stop her from walking.

"Tell me you hate me in my face, Angel and I'll believe you hate me with every fiber of your body." He said, gripping her shoulders gently and sternly.

She gulped, her throat felt dry and it felt like something big was blocking it.
She couldn't form a sentence that consists only simple 3 words.

"I see you haven't moved o-"

"I hate you." She breathlessly muttered, she kept her e/c eyes connected to his red ones to make sure she proved that she hate him with all her heart, mind and soul.

He felt that big pang of pain on his chest yet again, his red eyes now dull but she saw a spark of hope and determination on the corner of it.

"Louder." He demanded, she gulped and finally wiggled herself free from his grip and dusted the imaginary dust from her shoulder before continuing to walk.

"Oi! Idiot wait up!" He called, jogging his way towards her a bit before confidently interlocking her fingers with his, making her annoyed and tries to break free off his grasp but he held tight.

"Let go of me you bastard." She said, tugging her hand from his.

"Fine. I just want to hols my baby's cute little hand." He flirted yet again with a smirk, only to be slapped in the face with her black gloved hand.

"Disguting. Call Uraraka that not me. She's your baby after all. I would rather be called 'brat' by Levi than your stupid nicknames." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright then. Brat." He specialized the word with a smirk.

"Don't try and be him, Bakugou. There's a difference between the both of you." She told him.

"Yeah and that difference is that you've been mine but your not his." He puffed his chest out, proud.

"True but your relationship with me is a big difference. Think about it you son of a bitch, he knows me more than anyone else and he's been there for me through thick and thin. How about you? Anything you've done good to me?" She taunted him with a smirk of her own.

"Nothing. So go and be with that side chick of yours and don't bother me. I need to be prepared for an event mom invited me over." he rose a brow.

"An event?" He asked.

"Duh. Your not invited because your nothing. Your just a worthless piece of shit to me and my kind. So if you dont mind, don't bother me all night." She walked inside the big gates of U.A.

"Damn, baby girl. You got a scary mouth there." He sexily muttered.

"Ew. Don't talk to me like that. It's disgusting." She is clearly disgusted by his weird nicknames.

"How the fuck did Uraraka survive even loved, hungered and wanted a horrible man like you?" She asked, he got offended by kept quiet.

She opened the door of Class 1-A's dormitory and immediately called for her childhood friend.

"Levi! Can you come be my partner at the event that will happened on the Shirakawa building tonight?" She asked.

"Of course. What time will that event be held?" He agreed, standing up from his seat.

"8:00 p.m. and I have no dress yet. Damn it, if only no one bothered me today.." she gritted her teeth, e/c orbs glaring at Bakugou who listened to their conversation.

"You can just order one from that old lady named Lakuchi right?" He raised a brow.

"But it will take a few damn hour-" she got cut off by his finger on her natural pink lips.

"Shut up. It's still 5:40 p.m. you idiot. They deliver their damn dresses in 2 hours and when paid high enough, 1 hour and 30 minutes." He shut her up.

"Oh. I thought they deliver 4 hours before the dress arrives. Thanks for reminding me. Hold on a second." She smiled at him before turning on her watch.

"HEUSC, contact Ms.Lakuchi and tell her I need the most beautiful f/c dress she has. I'll give her twice the amount of price. Just hurry."

"Ms.Lakuchi has been contacted successfully. Order will arrive at approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes."

"Thank you for reminding me that again Levlev, I need to prepare now. See you later!" She bid her goodbye by kissing his cheek before going to the guest room to find the girls and asked them to help her.

The black haired billionaire held a smirk on his face as he look at the ash blonde who's vibrating in jealousy.

He walked to where the ash blonde stood, stopping beside him with his eyes and head ahead. Ignoring the firey glares the taller teenager gives.

''I'll make sure she'll not be yours yet again."

the new me.// Katsuki Bakugou x reader/ Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now