chapter 46

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Third Person P.o.v.

The door slammed shut loudly, startling mostly everyone.

"What the hell was that Levi?!" She exclaimed, her voice bouncing in every corner of the room.

" was nothing, brat." He told her.

"Nothing?! Why the hell did you punch Bakugou for no reason?!" She asked him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why the hell are you even defending and hanging out with that damn bastard?!" His voice rose, making her step back and flinch.

Despite the shock, she answered his question bravely.
"Because I saw his love and genuine care for me!" She answered.

"So you think it's all damn good after what he did to you!?"

"Why the hell are you asking me these kind of questions Levi!?" She yelled.

"You're not my boyfriend!" She yelled, he clenched his fists with gritted teeth.

"He's not your boyfriend either!" He replied.

"I fucking know that! I know that shit Levi! I'm not dumb!" She commented.

"I saw his intentions were real, it was genuine! I-I..I want to give him a chance..." her voice became lower as words poured out of her mouth.

" you let him damn kiss you?" He asked, making her head shoot up from the floor to his grey-blue eyes.

"H-how did you know that?!" She exclaimed, she knew no one was there that night, it was dark and eerie.

"I was at the damn kitchen, Y/n! It was so fucking clear from the damn window that you made out with him!" He replied.

"Why do you even care?!" She asked, she couldn't believe that this whole arguement was all because a damn kiss. A simple kiss!

"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU BRAT!! I HAVE FOR SO MANY FUCKING YEARS!!" He yelled, he didn't know what got out of his mouth.

"..." silence engulfed them, she stood there with wide teary e/c eyes and mouth agape.

"Didn't you realize?! Huh!? Are you too blind for that motherfucker to even fucking notice these feelings I have for you?!" He pointed at the door.

"...Levi.." she pathetically whispered, rasing her hand slowly in hopes he would calm down.

"That bastard has done nothing but to treat you like a piece of shit!! I was here the whole time, Y/-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP LEVI!" She yelled, what came out of her mouth made her regret her choice of words as she immediately covered her mouth with her black gloved hands.

"...fine, I'll 'shut the fuck up'!" He told her before opening the door and slammed it shut, leaving her crying loudly in the room.

The girls heard the cries of the h/c haired female from the other side and immediately ran inside the room to see her sitting down on the bed, head on her knees and arms wrapped around her legs.

"Y/n!" Sasha, Hange and Mikasa exclaimed, immediately sitting by her side and comforted her as best as they could.

He walked outside and punched the wall with all his strength, hearing a little 'crack' after his fist made contact with the cement wall.

Angry tears came running down his cheeks from his hurt blue-grey eyes as he glared down at the innocent green grass beneathe him.

"Damn, what a fight." Muttered a voice that fueled his anger and frustration more.

"Shut the fuck up, you Bitch." He told him without even glancing at the ash blonde.

"Tch, like your any better." Chuckled Bakugou as he fold his arms over his chest and leaned against the tree beside the wall.

"Looks like your 'I'll make it up to her' shit didn't happened. In fact, it became worse! Now, if you don't mind Captain, I'm gonna go and steal My girl back." Smirked the ash blonde and walked away frkm the broken billionaire.

8:26 p.m.

"Oh! How about an apology date?" Suggested Jean as the boys of THS sat in the common room.

"She will probably decline since he basically just confessed and it would make it awkward, Horseface." Eren told him as he munched a chip.

"Shut up, titan boy!" Hissed Jean as the brunette only rolled his eyes.

"How about chocolates and roses? As well as a apology card or something?" Marco suggested, the boys thought about it for a while.

"Well, that could work." Nodded Eren.

"Oh! How about a letter instead? I feel like Y/n would love that! And then add chocolates and roses after before going to dinner?" Armin suggested, everyone agreed with his mashed up idea.

"Oh yeah! That could work! She'll be all bubbly and stuff!" Marco smiled.

"Mhmn..but what if she'll just ignore the letter?" Asked Connie.

"Oh shut up, Connie! She'll love the letter!" Jean and Eren said in unison, glaring at each other after.

"Well, what do you say Levi?" Asked Armin, everyone waited for the boy's reply as he sipped his usual black tea.


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