chapter 47

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Third Person P.o.v.

He opened his eyes, all was blurry white and a ringing silence filling his ears.

He could feel something being put and surrounding his nose and mouth, the wires attached to almost every single nerve and bandages wrapped around his figure.

Soon, the ringing silence was over, being replaced by the faint beeping of a machine.

His dull blue eyes scanned his surroundings as best as he can without moving an inch, finally realzing he is in the hospital.

He didn't remember what happened or why he is in such a place but he is here in this lonely white room.

He heard the door open, being followed by a faint clacking of heels in the white tiled floor.

"Doctor! He is Awake!"

Things has been complicated for her, the tension with her childhood friend and her ex's constant flirting as well as the jealous glares from Uraraka has made her feel so stressed.

She let out a soft sigh as the hot liquid run down her throat gracefully, the sensation has always made her feel relaxed and peaceful.

Thanks to Grandma Kikuko and her childhood friend Levi, they have made her also addicted to sipping tea.

She opened her e/c eyes, only to see green grass and falling leaves from the tree above her.

Her white dress moved gracefully against the wind as her h/c hair swayed a little due to the cool breeze.

Everything was nice and peaceful, away from the noise that everyone makes inside the dormitory and outside where nature embraced her with open arms.

She could see the birds flying and chirping on the blue sky and the butterflies that lands on the pretty colorful flowers, she enjoyed every second of her time alone. Away from the problems she faces everyday and noise.

But alas, every moment has an ending.

" mom has sent a message. "


" Hi honey! Good news, your Uncle Daisuke has finally woken up for 5 months of coma!! "

"..." she blinked her eyes, speechless as happiness and relief filled her body.

"But.." she waited.

"Y/n, he cant remember a single memory but still can speak properly."

The faint beep she heard indicated that the message was spoken completely by HEUSC.

She slammed her tea cup against the white colored wood table, colored liquid ran down and dripped on the end of the table to the green grass beneathe but she didn't care as mixed feelings has filled her body.

She didn't know if she is happy that Uncle Daisuke is awake or be sad that he couldn't remember a single thing.

"Send a car. ASAP." She demanded, the AI beeped a 'yes' and sent a car which arrives in 12 minutes.

She opened the doors loudly, startling the people inside the building.

She didn't even bother to reply on both Class 1-A's and 1st Class's calls as she made her way to the guest room only to open it and see the person she did not want to see in the moment.

"Why are you in a rush?" He asked which she hardly ignored and searched for a dress to suite her.

A baby pink colored dress with sleeves and f/c heels to match with the outfit.

"Oi, brat. Answer me." he grabbed her black gloved hand with his white one gently and turned her to face him.

"It-it's none of your business!" She exclaimed and tried to break free from his tight grasp.

"Y/n." His voice sent chills down her spine that made her freeze on the spot and stop struggling in his hold.

"I'll ask again, Why are you in a rush?" He asked yet again, more gentle and loving this time.

His tone made her blush a tint of pink and lowered her head. No matter the situation, she can't ignore him whether it's her or his decision.

"U-Uncle Daisuke just woke up after f-five months." She stuttered a whisper, not looking in his grey-blue eyes.

"Hey." He grab a hold of both her cheeks and leaned her forehead against hers.

"Calm the fuck down, brat. He's awake and you should be happy. I'll go with you whether you like it or not." He told her before kissing her forehead softly, both billionaires blushed at his action.

"A-alright." She replied before going inside the bathroom and changed while he stood on the other side with a small smile on his face.

A loud bang echoed through the empty hallway as both childhood friends jogged towards the raven haired man's hospital room.

The door opened gently, Suzue and F/n is already here talking to Daisuke Kambe.

Though, Haru Kato isn't here yet and that's okay since the family knows that the man is busy with his own business.

"U-uncle Daisuke?" She stuttered as she saw her uncle once again. The image could never leave her mind.

The bunch of wires that's hooked up on him in almost every nerve, the bandages covering his severe injuries, and much more.

"Who are you?" He asked, voice now gentle as he already drank fresh cool water.

A tear or two slid down her cheeks as her favorite uncle, her second partner in crime, her advisor and inspiration didn't remember her.

"I-it's me. Y/n. Y/n Kambe L/n, your niece." She introduced herself, being surprised that he chuckled.

"I thought you were my daughter." She held back fits of giggles as Suzue stood shock with F/n beside her.

"Oh shut up, Daisuke! She's my daughter!" Commented Suzue as her husband laughed beside her.

"Oh? And who are you?" He asked yet again as he saw the black haired boy beside his niece.

"I am Levi Ackerman. Y/n's childhood friend." He introduced himself and Daisuke yet again chuckled.

"And now I thought you were my son." He commented, Y/n shook her head with a sigh.

"Jesus Christ..." muttered F/n as he chuckled at the raven haired man sitting in the bed.

"The doctor said that Daisuke should regain his memories back in no time, maybe 3 months or so." Suzue told the kids who nodded with a relieved smile.

As much as Daisuke's seriousness can get a little scary, it still isn't him and that part weirded everyone.

"Good to know." Y/n replied.

"Oh, bye the way uh..Levi, when are you going to marry my niece?"


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