Chapter 39

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"Dad, can we buy this?"you pleaded, pointing at a barbie doll.

"Sure princess"he smiled and took it to the cashier while holding your hand.

"Dad, why do you keep calling me a princess? I'm not even a Disney princess"you pouted. He kneeled on your level.

"You may not be a real princess but you will always be my princess because you are to me"he said and pinched your cheek. You clapped your hands.

"Does that mean I have a prince charming?"you asked, blinking your eyes.

"I'm sure you'll have your own prince one day when you grow up"he chuckled.

"Well, if you can't have a prince charming, a knight in shining armor wouldn't be bad, right?"


He paid for the barbie doll and handed it to you. You both went out of the mall and went home by car. When you arrived, he got out of the car first and opened the door for you. You didn't realize that your father parked the car away from the house so you had to walk. He stopped you from walking and faced you.

"Stay here. I'm just going to check mom, okay?"he instructed. You nodded and obeyed.

He walked inside your house without you because he noticed an unfamiliar car parked in front of your house.

You just stood there outside waiting for him, holding your doll. Soon, you saw him storm out of the house, looking sad. You kind of heard some yelling. He kept walking straight ahead in the opposite direction. You saw your mom go outside, wearing a robe just looking at your dad walking away. Another man that you don't know peeked through the window.

You don't know what was happening but you started to run, following your dad.

"Dad"you called. He wasn't responding to you.

You saw him cross the road and you ran faster but you tripped causing you to fall on the ground and let go of the doll you were holding.

Your heart started to race when you saw a truck fast approaching.

"Dad!"you cried.

"Dad, look out!"


Your eyes opened wide and you started panting, catching up your breath. You saw Jin on top of you with a worried expression, both of his hands are on the both sides of your shoulders.

"Are you okay?"he asked. You shook your head slowly. You rub your eyes and realized they were wet. You were crying and your mouth trembled. He moved beside you on your bed and you sat up straight to breathe properly. Jin started caressing your back, calming you down.

You inhaled and exhale deeply.

"You were having a nightmare. I heard you crying and shouting for your dad"he stated and gave you a glass of water. You took a sip and gave the glass back to him before starting to take a deep breath again.

That wasn't the first time you had a nightmare about your dad's accident. You've been having nightmares about it before but it stopped. Maybe seeing your mother again and having an argument with her triggered it.

You checked the clock and it was still 2:00am. You rubbed your forehead, sighing.

"I'm sorry I woke you up"you apologized.

"It's fine. I just want you to be alright"he said, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"I was so worried, you didn't wake up easily"he pouted. He wiped your sweat on your head with a hand towel. You started to calm down a little bit.

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