Chapter 4-Psychic Paper

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The elevator suddenly stops, a voice coming over a speaker.

"I'm sorry, but our establishment is seeming to have difficulties with the power. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please be calm and patient while we start up each generator by hand."

The Doctor shakes his head, pulling out something that looks like a wand. It's metal and cylindrical, the end glowing a bright green.

The elevator doors open.

"How did you?!" I turn, watching as he steps out.

He doesn't answer my question, "Perfect stop, right there. Landed on an actually floor and not in between."

I sigh, walking out of the lift. Before I can say anything, it drops, speeding to the ground until it crashes, pieces flying.

"What was that?" The Doctor races over, inspecting the emtpy shaft. His 'wand' waves over the sides, buzzing slightly.

"What is that?" I ask, curious. He glances back, "It's a sonic screwdriver. Works on everything except wood...." I grin, walking over to him. "Come on. It probably just malfunctioned. Let's go watch the shower."

The Doctor laughs, taking my hand. "You almost died and you just brush it off...."

His eyes gleam. "You definitely are my daughter."

I feel my heart leap. He accepts me. He claims me. My dad is The Doctor.

"Come on then!" He striaghtens his bow-tie, pulling me to the stairs.

We race up, the flights seeming to never end. I pant, the Doctor an entire three sets behind me. "Come on Raggedy-Man! Hurry up!"

He smiles, leaning on the wall and railing for support. "I'm almost 900 years old! You are a tiny, young girl! Practically a baby!"

I stand still, my hands on my hips. "I'm 18, for your information! Now hurry up!"

I sprint the last two flights, pulling on the door. It's locked. "Hey dad!" I scream, looking below. "Throw me that.... Sonic screwdriver! The doors locked."

There's no answer. "Dad?"

"Boo!" I jump, turning around to see the Doctor behind me, holding out the screwdriver. "Be my guest."

Giddy with excitment, I push the button, pointing it at the lock on the metal door. It pops open, the sound of partying coming from the top floor.

We step in.

Almost a hundred of the 'Moon people' dance or talk and laugh. The level is beautiful to say the least.

A thousand feet in the air, the outerior walls are made of glass, giving the perfect view for everyone. Flowers and plants decorate the middle of the room where a small man-made waterfall trickles. I listen closer to the music.

"Doctor!I know this song! They play it on the radio like, 24/7! It kind of gets annoying.... How do they have it?"

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, was a classic from the ancient country The United States of America."

I giggle, pulling the Doctor towards the fray, but a man with three large noses steps in front of us.

"You aren't from around here, are you? Sorry, but only Moon citizens in this place." The Doctor gives him a questioningly look.

"You mean they didn't tell you I was coming?" He pulls out a small item, that almost looks like a wallet or a badge from the back and shows the man.

"See?" I watch as the bouncer backs away, bowing. "Oh! Sorry sir! I'll be here if you need anything."

He hurries away and I catch a glimpse of the front of it.

"That's blank."

The Doctor looks at me funny. "What do you mean?"

I point to the 'badge' that he starts to return to his suit pocket. "It was a black piece of paper. How did it help us?"

I watch as his smile becomes wider, spreading all the way to his ears. "That was psychic paper. I can't say I'm surprised, you are my daughter... It's supposed to make it look like a badge."

I raise an eyebrow. "So I could have it and look like and FBI agent?" He nods.

"Cool! Come on!" I pull him towards the window, taking a seat next to a man in a white suit. "Best spots in the house." I say, the Doctor sitting back. He pulls out the Viewer, handing one to me.

"It's going to come from the right side," the man beside me whispers. I smile my thanks, leaning my head against my father's shoulder.

"Hm, that's weird." I mutter.

"What?" The Doctor looks around with the cylinder.

"The meteorites.... They aren't headed the correct way." I point with my finger. "See? The angle is off. That's headed..."

I stop, my heart pounding in my ears. "Doctor, that's heading towards us!"

*        *        *        *

You're very welcome for the cliff hanger <3

I love you guys so much! I can't believe how many views with so few chapters!!!

I am loved! *waves to everyone like I'm famous xD*

Here's some cookies, candy, popcorn, etc. while you are waiting!

Love you my dearies!!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee :*

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now