Chapter 12- Crowning A Queen

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Okay, because my computer is being stupid, this is the dedication xD

Dedicated to Jellyfishturtlekitty, who suggested they go to this time period :)


I love y'all, so enjoy <3

Calvin and I finish our exploration, heading back to the main room. The Doctor stands by the engine, messing with his sonic screwdriver.

I smile at him, Calvin walking close behind me.

"So, what are you doing?" He glances at me, smirking. "How was your walk?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Um, fine.. You have some cool rooms back there..." He chuckles, slipping the small device back into his suit pocket.

"Well, where to next?"

Calvin glances at me, smiling. "I picked last time, and I almost died... So-"

"You did die." My father corrects, staring at me. "She just saved you." I blush, fidgeting where I stand. "Can we just keep on the topic of where we want to head to next?"

Calvin steals a kiss on my cheek, the Doctor wrinkling his nose. "I knew it! i knew it! The moment I introduced my daughter to another boy her age she would fall for him!"

I laugh, pushing Calvin gently. "He started it!" The Doctor chuckles, turning a few knobs on the engine, romantic music playing.

"Dad!" I scream, shoving him as my face turns bright red.

His eyes light up. "Come on! Just pick somewhere!"

I throw my hands up, "Just go somewhere random."

The Doctor nods, twisting and pulling on levers, buttons flashing as the engine begins to roar, the TARDIS moving with a jolt. I hold onto Calvin as he stands steady.

I felt the floor shake as we land, sand pounding against the small windows at the top of the two doors. I step off the risen floor, heading to the door.

"Wonder where we are." I remark, pushing the door open by an inch. Calvin stands close behind me, his breath tickling my neck.

"Well, go on." The Doctor mutters, pushing Calvin into me. I step through, my feet crunching on hot, tan sand. "We are in a desert."

Calvin spins, looking the opposite way of me. He tugs on my shirt, pointing. "Not just any desert." I turn around, my jaw dropping.

Only about three miles away, a pyramid stands tall, huts and homes and cities surrounding it. We are inside a small town, the TARDIS hidden beside a home.

Men and women race about, carrying spices and goods. Children chase each other, laughing and playing. I gasp, watching as people bow to a carriage as it is carried by.

"We are in ancient Egypt!"

Calvin takes my hand, pulling me further away from the time machine. "Well come on then! Let's go!" I stop, looking at my father, but he waves a hand, looking interested as a boy holds a hat in front of him.

I chuckle, running with Calvin through the crowds of people, looking around. Words in Egyptian writing changes to English as I glance at it, reading everything I can.

People stare at us, but don't say anything as they see us run by in our modern clothing.

"Make way for the future Queen! Hatshepsut!"

Everyone backs up, pushing us into a group of people. I hold Calvin's hand tightly, pulling him into a bow as the guards walk by, carrying a large gold stretcher with a woman on top.

She is beautiful to say the least. A man, younger than her, sits beside her, his hand on her shoulder. They look alike, so I assume they are mother and son...

But you know how weird that Egyptian marriage stuff worked....

I straighten up as the last guards walks by, people cheering and waving at Hatshepsut. Calvin's hand finds mine, pulling me away.

"Come on! Let's go!" He begins to drag me around a small house, made from clay and brick. He turns sharply, cutting through a backyard where a few goats stand.

"Where are we going?" I laugh, holding tight to make sure I don't lose him. His eyes gleam as he glances my way, grinning like a cat.

"We are going to see that woman crowned Queen!"

I chuckles, chasing after him as he begins to run, staying a distance away from the crowd following the royal party back to a large palace.

"Have you seen teh Doctor?" I ask, looking over my shoudler, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Calvin wraps an arm around me, smiling.

"Don't worry about him. If we don't see him by the end of the day, then we can head back to teh TARDIS and wait for him there."

I chew on my thumbnail, worrying. "But what if-"

"He's a big boy, Danny. I think he will be able to take care of himself..."

I nod, continuing to walk with him towards the gold and jem palace.




You guys helped me reach over 1000 views!!!

I feel so famous *cries* I really love y'all, and I love writing for you <3

Soooooo yeah <3 :*

Also, if you are a fan of Harry Potter, check out my fanfiction ^0^

Even if you don't like Harry Potter...

I like writing o-o <3

Love y'all


The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now