Chapter 67- Pain

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No A/N today folks, just story <3

There is some fighting/torture in this chapter. I recommend you be careful when reading, I don't want to upset any of y'all.

Calvin's POV

I pace back and forth, the Doctor screaming angrily and tossing the Vortex Manipulator across the center of the maze. "It's no use!" He falls to his knees, River Song walking over to comfort him. "I can't get her back. I can't find her. I can't do anything to save her."

I clench my jaw and fight back tears, watching Danielle's father, the best man I know, burst into sobs. He cries onto his wife's shoulder, his hands burying into the back of her dress. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I'm so sorry, Melody."

The Doctor weeps for his daughter.

Danielle's POV

The Master throws me backwards, my head pounding against the ground. I shout in pain, sharp bolts of lightning echoing through my head. "Please!" I scream, his figure stalking quickly towards me.
"Why?! After all your father has done?! After you broke your word!?! No, Danielle! No!"

I feel a tear run down my cheek as he kicks me in my ribs several times, my lungs burning. "I can't do what you say. I won't kill the Doctor. I won't."

"Then you will die!"

I scream as he grabs a fist full of my hair, dragging me deeper into the alleyway, closer to the TARDIS. As we reach the doors, he shoves me inside, the electric shock burning through me again. I can't do anything to stop it.

I double over, holding my sides tightly, waiting in agony for it to ebb away. I wait for the Master to step inside.

It seems like it takes hours, but I would bet it was barely ten seconds.

The Time Lord walks through, stepping over me and to the engine. "Would you like to know my plan? Since you will not help me kill the Doctor? Do you want to know what I will do to you?"

I groan softly in reply.

"I'm going to burn you, Danny. I'm going let you suffer and just before it kills you," he twists a knob and a screech erupts from the TARDIS, but we don't move. "I will show you to your father and he can see my good work end you."

I'm too weak to cry, I'm too weak to plead, I'm too weak to bargain.

Would I?

Or would I be brave?

He walks back over and swings his leg over my waist, throwing his fists into my face. I scream in my head, but no sound comes out as he hits me over and over. I feel his weight shift, his feet now pounding into my ribs and back.

I sob quietly, feeling light fade from my eyes and mind. I remember Calvin's warm lips, I remember River's and the Doctor's hugs, I remember Richard, I remember Adam.

I hear a rib crack and I scream, crying into my hands. The Master screams something, but I don't hear anything but my breathing and tears. As though he is losing a fight, he scratches at me, deep gouges burning into my skin.

The Master continues his assault until I am numb, my skin and muscles burning from pain. I barely feel anything, a throb echoing with my heart beat, reminding me that I am still alive.

Just let go, I think.

Just let it all go.

I want to. I want the agony to end. I want to see Adam. I want to see my adoptive mother. I want to see all I have lost.

Then, I feel the ground beneath me lurch, as though I am falling asleep. The Master walks back over and wraps a hand around my hair, pulling my face to his. "Ready to say goodbye?"

The TARDIS door bursts open and Calvin walks inside.

"Danny!" He yells and races to me, pulling my head onto his lap. I place my fingers on his lips, crying. "Cal?" He nods, bringing me closer as the TARDIS doors begin to open again.

"Stop him. He is going to kill the Doctor."

Calvin nods and reacts quickly, pushing the Master roughly to the side. He stumbles as the Doctor and Melody step inside, the gun still held in his hands. "Stop there! All of you!"

My only family is backed into a corner, Calvin's short interruption only providing seconds to the Doctor's life.

The Master gestures to me, "Look. Look at what you made me do!"

My father shakes his head, "You did this yourself, Master. Let us go."

Then, suddenly, my pain ebbs away and I feel warmth flood through me, gold dust escaping my lips.

I'm regenerating.

Everyone seems to notice, the Master's finger clicking the hammer of his gun back. "Say goodbye, Doctor."

"How many more must die because of you, Master?"

"Just one!"

As he fires, I throw myself forward, the flash of the gun's ray erupting into me. I grunt softly and fall to the floor.

My world fills with darkness.

A/N Okay, short note xD

Just a friendly reminder that that gun is supposed to kill anything, even Time Lords.


Okay, maybe that wasn't "friendly" xD

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now