Chapter 76- Wake Up

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Well, I'm surprised people have kept reading! Haha, I have made so many mistakes and mess-ups in this silly story. :P Buuuuut thanks so much for staying with me no matter what!

Danielle's POV

I keep close to Calvin as he navigate our way back towards the main part of the TARDIS, the red lights seemingly becoming dimmer by the second. "Any guess at what's going on?" I shake my head slowly, clearing my throat. "Okay, don't weird out on me, but I was talking to the TARDIS before this happened."

I pause and think for a second, "Actually, I was singing to her."


I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, her. Weren't you paying attention in the Room of Memories?" He chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulders, nonchalance evident as the darkness doesn't seem to bother him. "I was, but consider how much has happened since then. Small details, Danny. Small-"

The TARDIS jolts and the lights go out, my body slammed against Calvin as we are thrown to the wall. I curl a fist into his shirt to stop myself from hitting my head as the time machine screeches and rumbles.

"What the heck is going on!?" He yells, positioning himself so he has his body over mine, protecting me from harm. "We need to find my dad and mom," I whisper, blinking a few more times.

"Danielle!" There is a laugh and I recoil, my chest tightening substantially.

"Danielle, what's wrong? What's going on?" Calvin asks and I know he must sound worried, but his voice is blurred and numbed; I cannot hear anything but the voice.

"Danielle!" The voice sings tauntingly, something darker than the dark flashing before us. I shake my head and try to make myself as small as possible, reality merging with fantasy. I cannot tell what is real and what is my mind.

"Danielle, you still owe me the favor!" The Master taunts, his voice unmistakeable. I did not know I could feel fear this strongly. "Please! Leave me alone!" I scream and a hand takes my wrist, trying to pull me to them.

I fight.

I cry.

I scream.

"Danielle! Danielle! Calm down! It's the Doctor! Calm down!" I open my eyes to the sound of the sonic screwdriver buzzing, my father holding my hand and looking at me, worry etched in his features.

River Song is close too, but I can only shiver. "He was here. He was here. The Master." My parents exchange a glance, the Doctor brushing sweat from my brow and hair from my eyes. "It was just a nightmare, Danny. Everyt-"

"If it was just a nightmare then what is that?"

Melody shines her own sonic at the wall, red writing drawn onto the metal. I jump to my feet, shaking as the Doctor wraps his arm around me.

"Wake up," River reads breathlessly, her voice shaking slightly. "Doctor, what is going on?" He shakes his head and glances at River Song again, and I tap my foot a few times.

"Dad, Calvin's gone."


"Calvin, he's gone." My voice is laced with panic, knowing that he would have said something if he was going somewhere. The Doctor raises an eyebrow. "He wasn't here when we got to you... You were screaming like crazy so he wouldn't have left you unless..."

He trails off and Melody punches him in the upper arm, making him rub it sorely. "it's going to be alright, sweetie. We'll find him."

We begin to walk through the TARDIS, following the Doctor as he leads us, River Song murmuring to me, "I can't seem to remember how we got here, but I'm glad we did." I nod my agreement and keep a tight hold on her hand.

Calvin's POV

A man stands above me, a gun to my head and my hands held up. "How do you fly the TARDIS?" I shake my head, blinking a few times as the bright sun blinds me. "I don't know... I can- can't seem to remember how i got here..."

I look around at the dozen men who surround me, guns and weapons held at the ready. The man who appears to be their leader turns away, holding a whispered conversation with another person, but i can hear every word.

"You woke the wrong one up, you idiot! This isn't the Doctor! You can just kill him! Try waking the curly haired woman next!"

I feel a bullet click int place and I jump to the side, breathing faster. "Whoa! Easy there, guys! Do you know who you are about to shoot?" They all stare at me and I close my eyes tightly, pinching the bridge of my nose to try and remember everything I can from the Room of Memories.

"I'm the Doctor. I'm a 900 year old Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey, in the constellation Kasterborous. I've got two hearts and I could kill every one of you with just three words!"

They look to me oddly, but a few seem to buy the lie. "Why didn't you say so!? Come on, Doctor! We have work for you to do." I shake my head, shoving my hands into my pockets and pointing to the sleeping forms of my friends.

"No, I want my..." I pause, racking my brain quickly, "My companions. I want them with me at all times." The men chuckle, but the leaders nods his head, silencing them. "Alright, fine. Men, grab ev-"

"May I check and see if they are alright?"

"We just induced a dream-like state. We didn't ha-"

"Then you won't mind me checking? I'm not called the Doctor for no reason."

"Fine," the man replies and I glance at the name stitched into his pant (trousers) leg. Wilkins, Peter L., with two stars next to it. He looks human. I kneel next to the Doctor and pretend to trip next to him, quickly reaching into his inside suit pocket and taking the sonic. "Sorry," I whisper. "But I'm trying to save your lives."

I look to Danny and River, an idea forming in my mind. I press a button on the sonic, a light buzzing quickly as I scribble out the words, 'Wake up.'

"What is that thing?" I turn back to Wilkins as his men lift Danielle and her parents, carrying them towards a line of black trucks. "My soni- Uh, just a scanner."

I follow him to the car and pray the Doctor wakes soon.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now