Chapter 44- Danny's Dad

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*Squeals* Went from 5.3k to 5.4k in one day.

So, here's a chapter for my lovely dearies! <3

Doctor's POV

I tap my fingers against the TARDIS' engine, Melody staring at me. "We need to go to Meekin, where ever that is. We need to get Danny back."

I shake my head closing my eyes as I try to remember. "No, I know that. But Pasquale seemed familiar. He said I've never been to their planet, but I am sure I've met him before. There's a reason he took Danny, and it wasn't for a prize."

River Song snorts in disgust, crossing her arms over her chest impatiently. "I want to get our daughter back, sweetie. So please hurry."

I jump slightly as he pushes me out of the way, mumbling to herself, "You know, I'll just do it myself." She begins to twist the knobs, pulling levers. The TARDIS groans from the sudden change of command, spinning forward.

"Careful!" I yell, feeling us thrown to the side as the engines fire up, pulling us screeching into another time period. "River!" I scream angrily as we collide with each other, the TARDIS stopping. "You messed it up!" i run a hand over the panels.

"Now I have no idea where we are and we have to wait until she cools down. Something blew and it will take a while for it to fix..." I kneel down, poking my head under the platform.

"What's wrong with the TARDIS?" She asks quietly, annoyance lacing her voice.

I glance up at her. "Nothing that can't be fixed. I just need to replace one of these little thingamabobs and then we will be all good... After it charges up..."

"How long will that be?"

I sigh, shrugging. "Three hours. For now," I take out the piece and swap it with the burnt one, tossing it to the side. "We can go see where we are."


Calvin's POV

 I sit up with a gasp, touching my head as it spins. I glance around, my surroundings unfamiliar, but as I try to stand, my head hits something above me.

"Ow," I mutter, rubbing my eyes as they try to adjust to the light.

"Good, you're awake."

I turn at the sound of a voice, another light flashing on, my vision burning. "Where am I? Who are you?"

There's a chuckle, a chair scooted forward. I finally get a clear view. We are in a metal room, a table sitting between me and a man. A glass wall sits to my side, reflecting my own image back.

"You're in the interrogation room. We found you outside our police station, lying in a pile of trash... May I ask what you were doing?" I focus on his face, observing the grey hair, the brown eyes, and wrinkles lining his features.

"Who are you?"

"Answer my question first."

I shake my head, running a hair through my short hair. "I have no idea... Plus, you wouldn't believe a word I have to say if I even told you what I remember last."

The man smiles, leaning forward. "Try me."

I clear my throat, "Tell me who you are first... ANd what year it is." He stares at me strangely, but finally complies with my demands. "My name is Richard Gates. I'm the leader of this police station. It's the year 2015."

I raise an eyebrow at his name, a memory tugging at my mind. "Richard Gates? 2015?" I lower my voice, "How is that possible? I thought the Doctor said weeping angels sent you back in time?"

Richard jumps at the mention of the Doctor, his eyes widening. "The Doctor? You know the Doctor?" I nod once, remembering Danny's father's name, one she told me when we were chatting.

"You're Danielle's father, aren't you?"

He goes pale.

"Just so you know, Danny was fine the last time I saw her. She' quite pretty... And I kind of want to ask you some-"

I'm cutting off by a whoosing sound. The hum gets louder and louder, blue light appearing in the corner of the room. The TARDIS.

"Well! It's not my fault that the TARDIS is broke! I expect it has to do with Pasquale using my vortex manipulator inside here!"

I grin at River's voice, the Doctor and her stepping from the door. "Doctor! Melody! Where's Danny?"

They turn at my voice in surprise. "Calvin? How did you get here?"

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now