Chapter 48- Richard's Approval

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Sorry, been a while, but my cross country coach has been actively killing us....

I've also been trying to find the correct opening for my dsytopian novel that I am writing on the side, but it just isn't seeming to fit. I finally settled on a little opening that revealed quite a bit about the world, but it needs works.

Anyways, enough about me and my rattling. xD

K, here it is my dearies! :*

Danielle's POV

My adoptive father stands against the railing of the TARDIS' walkway, the Doctor and River arguing quietly and playfully over a small thing. Calvin's hand rests on the small of my back.

"Say something," I whisper, my voice barely coming as I address Richard.

He looks up, dropping his hand from his chin. "What do you want me to say?"

I shake my head, wrapping my arms protectively around myself. I don't want him to keep his voice quiet. I want him to yell. I want him to tell me I was wrong for leaving.

He sighs, Calvin's fingers tensing as his eyes turn to meet him. "I don't know how long it's been for you, because I know this is a time machine, but it's only been three days for me. I've missed you Danny, but I know that you are growing up. You need to experience things that I could never provide."

I feel a tickle of tears prick my eyes. My voice almost breaks. "You have given me love and that's all I ever needed. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye. I'm sorry about leaving. I'm sorry about everything."

Richard steps forward and envelopes me in a hug, Calvin's hand falling from my skin. "It's okay, Danielle. It's okay." He takes the back of my head and holds me close, his voice rasping. "I trust you are safe with the Doctor."

I let out a shortened laugh, my hands bent to hold his shoulders. "You could come with us, dad. You could see anywhere you want." He smiles, turning to glance at the Doctor. "There is one place..."


I watch from a distance with Richard as a young woman holds up a baby, talking to her. I feel a pang in my chest, my stomach churning. It's my mother, almost eighteen years ago.

A few moments later, a much younger Richard walks up, holding two ice cream cones. One drips onto his fingers, his fully black hair tousled around his head.

"She was beautiful," he whispers, his arm looped around mine.

I nod once, my breath still caught in my throat.

Calvin steps up behind us, his fingers wrapping around my free hand. Richard turns and squints at him. "You."

I watch him stiffen. "You are dating my daughter, correct?"

I snicker as my father winks at me, his voice becoming firmer as he steps towards Cal. "Yes, sir." he responds, bowing his head to meet Richard's eyes. I can barely control my laughter as the much shorter man (Richard) points a finger in Calvin's face. "If you even dare to hurt my daughter, I will personally track down a time machine and kill you."

I grin as Calvin nods once. "Yes sir." He says again.

Richard's face breaks into laughter. "Well, alright. You respect Danielle, alright? And same goes for you, missy." I giggle, Calvin's arm around my shoulders.

The Doctor steps from the TARDIS, his hands folded behind his back. "Well, my friends. Where to next?"

Richard sighs, running a hand over his hair. "I'm afraid I should return back to my time."

I look at him in surprise, but don't interrupt.

"I would have loved to gallivant around the stars in my younger days... But I am a tired old man." I take his hand, but he only pats it and forestalls my objection. "No, Danny. I want you to go on your adventures. You deserve it."

I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek.


I watch at my father (Richard) walks into the house. He stands in the doorway, waving to me, smiling with tears in his eyes.

"He's nice," Calvin whispers from behind me.


"You going to miss him?"


The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now