Chapter 14- Pile of Dust

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The Doctor, Calvin and I are escorted roughly to the temple. People lie on their stomachs outside of the large place. Sand covers parts of them, making me wonder why they stay out here.

We hear chanting and singing from inside, and upon entering, find a man dressed in extravagant clothing, burning incense.

He turns in fury as we walk in, disturbing his ritual. "How dare you interrupt me!? Who are you?!"

I giggle at his eye-shadow.

"We are real magicians."

He lifts his nose, looking indignant. "I am the high priest, not some magician!" I snicker with Calvin, the Doctor stepping forward, out of the guard's hold.

He holds up his sonic screwdriver, scanning it over the man's face. "Well, i'm really just a time lord. A mad man with a box. But,"

He stops talking, the light on his screwdriver blinking suddenly.

"Doctor? What's going on?"

He turns away from the Egyptian priest, his brow furrowed as he investigates the altar. "What is this?" He asks, the buzzing growing louder.

"It's the altar for our gods, of course. It will only speak to the chosen ones."

Suddenly, the entire floor rumbles, the large, marble table cracking. The man screeches, pushing the Doctor out of the way.

"What have you done?! You have ruined it!" It cracks further, the man falling to his knees, then on his face as the creature emerges.

But it isn't an animal, or a creature.

It's a mechanical looking object, about chest height, a small plunger protuding from the top, which is a dome shape. Beside that, is another arm, which looks like a whisk.

I step a little closer, but my father shoves me back, Calvin catching me. The lights on the top of the thing light up, speaking low and grindingly.


I look at it confused, whispering to Calvin, "Did it just say egg?" He nods, shushing me and keeping himself between me and the object. It rolls forward, off the marble altar, groaning. "Egg! Term!"

"Egg term?" I ask, staring at the golden half domes that cover the copper-colored... Thing. "Dad? What is that thing? It doesn't look too friendly...."

Before he can reply the talking machine scoots forward again, speaking in it's low tone, growling at us all. "Egg! Term! Men! Nate!"

It screeches, rolling closer and closer to the Doctor. The high priest lies in the way, continuing to bow. "Exterminate!" It says, my insides turning cold.


It shoots the man lying in front of it, turning him to a pile of nothing.


We race away, the thing shooting after us, trying to follow. We slam the door in its face, hiding behind a wall as it pounds against the temple doors.

"What is that thing!?!" I scream, glancing over my shoulder.

"It's a Dalek."

"A what?" Calvin asks, his hand jumping to my shoulder. "A Dalek, a mutant inside a machine from the planet they call Skaro. It's their home..."

Calvin glances at my father, edging along the wall to the corner, getting ready to run. "Okay... But why do they want to 'exterminate' you?"

The Doctor grimaces, trying a small smile.

"I just so happened to help cut the power source a while back..."

I nod, chuckling in nervousness. "Right, of course you did." He looks at me, holding his sonic screwdriver tightly.

"Well what's that supposed to mean!?" I roll my eyes, beginning to run with them as the Dalek break through, shooting at us.

"You like danger!" I scream, pulling them faster, the mutant-machine racing towards us.

*        *        *

Sorry for the short-ish part.

I wanted to leave it off one that.


Hope you all enjoyed. Working on next part.


The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now