Chapter 7- Where to now?

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THANK YOU THANK YOU!! :* I love all of you xD

Enjoy this chapter my dearies :D

My room is huge.

On the far end of the room is a large queen-sized bed, covered in a blue comforter. I walk over to it, running my fingers on the pillows.

Shelves line the walls, books stacked neatly on each row. I smile, my eyes turning to the couch and TV then to the closet door.

I stand back up, making my way to the closet.

It's filled to the brim with beautiful clothing of every style and color. My mouth hangs open as I walk through the large place.

My dad is awesome!

*        *        *

"So, did you like your room?" The Doctor asks as I step back into the main room where the engine hums quietly.

I smile at him, leaning on the railing. "It's amazing! The clothes are beautiful!" The Doctor smiles back at me, twisting a knob on the engine.

"What are you two talking about?" Calvin walks from his room, dressed in a suit and bow-tie. I giggle, pushing my dad gently.

"He copied your look, dad!"

Calvin raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I walk over to him, straightening his bow-tie. "Bow-ties are cool."

"That they are," my father responds. "Alright. Where to now?"

Calvin and I shrug, both of us staring at each other. "I don't know. Calvin can pick. I got to choose already."

He looks at me, surprised, excitement covering his face. "So I can pick anywhere? Any time?" The Doctor nods, smiling.

"Alright... I want to go back in time. To my favorite time in history."

I cross my arms, walking with him to where my father stands. "And when is that?"

"Rome. When the Colosseum was still being built."

The Doctor grins, pulling levers and twisting knobs. "Hold on." Calvin gives him a questioning look. "Why should we hold on?" I grab his hand and then the railing. "Just listen to him."

The TARDIS jolts sideways, the engine whirling. The Doctor and I laugh, Calvin's face a picture of pure terror.

Then, with a hard bump, we land.

I glance at my friend's face, hiding a smile. "You okay there, Cal? You look like you almost died."

He straightens his suit, shaking his head as he composes himself. "I... I don't know what you mean." I roll my eyes, linking arms with my fellow travelers. "Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's go see Rome!"

I drag them from the TARDIS, looking off the hilltop that the TARDIS is parked on.

(A/N- Parked? Is that what I should call it? It is a 'spaceship'......... I don't know.

xD Back to the story.)

My eyes rove over the scene.

People walk around the city, glancing at us. Dust is stirred up by horses' feet as soldiers ride along houses. Stands of fruits and vegetables line the other buildings, vendors calling out prices.

"Wait... Doctor... They are speaking in English..."

He nods, pulling us along the way. "Yeah... TARDIS translates it in your head. Pretty cool, huh?"

I stop abruptly, the two boys turning to look at me. "You mean I can speak any language now? And understand any language?"

The Doctor nods, smiling. "COOL!" I yell, getting some strange looks from the Romans.

"Shh!" Calvin says. I glance down, "Um.... Dad, don't mean to be a bother, but we are wearing our normal clothes. Shouldn't we change?"

He shakes his head, our trio strolling through the busy streets. "Nope. I think we are good."

A man walks up, juggling five flaming sticks. I smile at him, quickly walking with Calvin and the Doctor towards the Colosseum.

Roars of crowds echo around the stadium as we enter. A few guards pass by, glancing at us. "Hey! Where are you going!? That's the Emperor's entrance! You have to enter through the citizen's gate!"

I throw him my prettiest smile, batting my eyelashes. "Sorry! We are new here. This is my first time coming here."

"Soldiers! Who are these people? Why aren't they enjoying the games?" We all spin, a man surrounded by dozens of guards walks from a door.

He is dressed in long robes of gold and red and white, a crown of pure gold sitting on his brow. I raise an eyebrow at the older man, crossing my arms.

"Hello sire! They didn't know where to go! It's the young lady's first time to the games." The man smiles. "Well, she couldn't have came at a better time. What's your name?"

I glance at the Doctor, who nods for me to answer. "I'm Danielle... This is Calvin and my fa- Er, the Doctor."

He laughs loudly, holding out a hand for me to take. "Well, of course you already know who I am, but I'm the Emperor! Come, you three will be my personal guests after we get you something suitable to wear."

We are led away by the soldiers, the Doctor and Calvin one way, me the other. As I enter through a door, the soldiers stand at the entrance, turning their backs to me. Five women bow as I walk in, holding up dresses and robes and all kinds of jewelry. I don't object, allowing them to pick out a outfit.

I look at myself in the mirror. My dress is a royal blue silk, so long that it covers my toes and drags the floor. A over-robe of white silk covers my shoulders and a small part of my arm.

A lady wraps a silver necklace around my neck and places earrings of the same element on my ears. Next, they braid my long dark hair and lay it over my shoulder, to the side.

The women all bow once more, hurrying me out of the door, where the soldiers are waiting.

*        *        *

I step onto the first step, taking a breath. There's what looks like a million stairs, but I guess it is the best seat in the place. I take my time, careful not to trip over the flowing robes.

In about five minutes, I reach the top, the Doctor, the Emperor and Calvin, all waiting for me. I snicker at the sight of my two friends, the robes a bright color of green and yellow. They look like idiots.

The Emperor beams at me, Calvin gawking. "Danielle, you as beautiful as your name. Come, sit beside me." I take his outstretched hand, sitting down beside him, hiding a smile as Calvin pulls a jealous-looking face.

"So, what event would you like to see first?"

*        *        *

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I can't wait to release the next part!

If you would like, you may comment below places (and times) you would like Danny and the Doctor (and of course Calvin) to visit!!

I will choose one person's idea from the comments and dedicate the the chapter(s) to them!!

Love you all my dearies!!

<3 Byeeeeeee

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now