Chapter 38- Blinking Blocks

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Sooooooo I've been wanting to do this type of chapter for a while.

These are my favorite 'bad guys' from Doctor Who.

Not only were they in the first episode I EVER watched while in a hotel with my family (xD funny how I remember things like that, but forget my piano lesson times)

But yeah. Without further ado, here is the next chapter!

Oh, and one more thing.

Try not to blink.

Blink, and you're dead.


Danielle's POV

I stare at the large wall that lines the area, workers taking only a glance as we walk by, sweat rolling from their faces.

"The Great Wall of China!" The Doctor says, almost giddy with excitement.

River laughs, kissing his cheek. "Well, I haven't gotten to see this in a while! Danny, you and Calvin go get something to eat. The Doctor and I are going to go visit an old friend of mine. We'll meet you back at the TARDIS in two hours."

I nod, taking Calvin's hand and pulling him towards the edge of the city, as my parent s hurry towards a large tent.

"What do you think the TARDIS was having trouble with?" He asks, walking with his arm around my waist as we hurry towards the town.

I glance up at him, a slight bit confused. "What do you mean, Cal?"

He shrugs, picking a pink flower from a tree and sticking it behind my ear. "The TARDIS. It almost got here, but we were thrown back to the same time. Sure, it got us here, but it started to smoke up."

I stop, looking backwards.

"Danny? Are you alright?"

I keep my eyes on the path behind us, the sound of building now softer. "I could have sworn I heard someone giggling."

Calvin laughs quietly, kissing my temple. "Ah, just your imagination. Come on. Let's forget about everything else and enjoy ourselves."

I smile, peeling my eyes from a small statue of an angel. "Alright. Let's go."

*      *       *

Doctor's POV

River smiles, holding tight to my hand as a glass of wine is poured in from of us.

"It's good to see you once again, Melody." The Emperor speaks in a low tone, slowly and slurred. He's already had quite a bit to drink.

"Just as beautiful as ever," he remarks staring at my wife. I clear my throat glaring at him, but River only takes my hand, leaning her head against my shoulder for a brief second.

"Now, now. You were always such a flirt, Emperor. But I'm married now!"

As the chubby man laughs, his food close to hand spilling on the floor, I glance at the guards, who stand perfectly still.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something, m'dear."

"Anything," I say snazzily.

Melody flicks my leg before returning a smile to her face. "Yes, what seems to be the trouble?"

"Well," the Emperor continues, "My men seem to keep going missing. A few here, a few there, I've lost over a hundred and fifty after starting to haul the stone from a quarry just South of here."

He quaffs the rest of his wine.

"They break it down usually and form squares to build the bricks from... But we uncovered a few odd items."

I sit forward interested. "Yes, yes, go on." I say, tired of his slowed speech.

"Well, you see... We found statues. And not just any statues, but ones with wings and teeth. THey look human, happy whenever they get close, but when you blink, they turn evil."

My breath is drawn from me, my heart pounding.

"The Weeping Angels." River whispers, taking my hand.

The creatures who took Amy and Rory from me forever.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now