Chapter 27- Calvin Saving the Day (AKA Making the Doctor Grumpy)

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I'm sorry. I promised by Thursday. I just lost my great-grandmother, so please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.

School is almost over. Thank goodness.

But here's the next chapter, I hope I can update once again by Sunday, but I will have to see.

* * * *

Calvin's POV

I grin, clapping my hands together. "Music notes! That's the answer to the clue! Now lead me to the Room of Memories."

The hologram jumps to life, smiling at me. "Good job. Follow me please."

I hurry after the Doctor, his image quickly floating through the TARDIS. As we curve around a few hallways, he stops in front of a door.

"In there. I will be waiting out here for the answer."

I swallow, not really wanting to go alone, but I obey him, walking through the door fame.

It's dark. Dim, blue lights spotting the floors and walls. I run my hands over the side of the room, making my way towards the centre where a large oval table sits.

It glows golden yellow, sparkles dancing around it. As I reach it, my finger bumps the side, the lights immediately dancing faster, spinning in circles and loops.

How does this thing work?

"Um, hello?" I say quietly.

A small shimmering star floats up, staring me in the face. It talks, it's voice the sound of angels. "Hello, Calvin. I am the Doctor's North Star. Welcome to the Room of Memories. Please ask to see any time frame, and I will help you."

I nod slowly.

"I need to see the War Doctor."

Everything turns to blood on the table, the North Star hovering beside me, glowing brighter. "That was during the Time War. The Doctor eventually saved Gallifrey, but they are stuck in time forever.

It was dark days.

The days the Doctors destroyed the Daleks."

"Can I see what he looked like then?"

"He had many faces during the war, but the one best known for being the War Doctor, is him."

A ragged face appears before me, brown eyes meeting mine. I smile, nodding to the guide. "Thank you very much."

I hurry out, joining the holographic Doctor in the main room with the engine and the green buttons. "Brown. His eyes were brown."

The TARDIS gives a jolt, launching us through space and time. "Very good, Calvin. You are on the way back to your original coordinates."

* * * *

Danielle's POV

I hear the whooshing before I even see a glimpse of the TARDIS. The T-Rex chases us out of the trees and towards open land, back towards the cliff where the TARDIS was parked.

"Hurry!" I yell, helping both Rose and my father to climb the rock covered ground. We scratch ourselves as we throw our bodies over the edge, the T-Rex drifting back at the sound of our ship.

Rose gets to her feet, wiping dirt from her pants.

The Doctor frowns, crossing his arms. "He passed the test..."

"That means you have to let him date me."

He glares at Calvin as he pokes his head out, a smile of relief crossing his features as his eyes catch mine. "Danny!"

He jumps out, racing to me and lifting me into his arms. I gasp in surprise as he plants his lips on mine, hugging me close. "I'm glad you're alright."

"I'm fine too, thanks." The Doctor says, breaking us apart.

"Dad! Come on! He saved the day!" I follow him through the door of the TARDIS, Rose and Calvin behind.

"Whatever! It was luck!"

I smile, running a hand over my sweaty forehead and turning to Calvin. "So, find anything interesting to do while we were gone?"

He chuckles, putting an arm around me. "Oh, where do I start?"

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now