Chapter 75- The TARDIS Sleeps

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A/N THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! We reached 19 THOUSAND views on Feb 3rd!!! I can't believe it! Thanks for all the love and support! Everything y'all do is so very much appreciated!

Also, I have a new story that I am working on. It has 7 chapters up now (plus the prologue) and I'd love for you all to check it out! It is called The Numbers on Her Wrist. I am sure that you guys will enjoy it, and hope you'll like it as much as i do writing it! (Did that make sense?)

Anyways, thanks once more and here's the Doctor's Daughter Chapter 75.

Danielle's POV

I smile, laughing as the Doctor spits out a piece of apple, pulling the blindfold from his eyes. He shifts his jaw, flicking hair from his eyes. "You fed me an apple? How could you River?!"

I snort into my fork, a piece of pasta falling back onto my plate.

"What? What, Danny?" The Doctor crosses his arms for a second and then slides them to his waist. I grin and point to the fruit on the floor, Melody laughing silently. "You're just proving an old saying right..."

"What old saying?" He puckers his lips, still throwing comically-angry glances towards his wife. I roll my eyes, and set my napkin on the table, looking around at the garden that we sit in. We are still inside the TARDIS though, I never fathomed that it could be this big.

"You know, silly. 'An apple a day keeps the Doctor away'?"

My dad grins and winks at me, "I was there." My jaw drops and I stare at him in utter disbelief. "You're kidding, right?" He only smiles wider. "No. Way! I can't believe it! That is so awesome!" He chuckles and points to River Song. "Yet, she still insists on feeding me apples!"

"I'm only trying to help you be healthy, sweetie!" She stands and walks over to where he stands, wiping her hands on her dress. "Besides, I want a nice long bath. You too enjoy." She kisses the Doctor and winks at him. "Don't even think of following me."

I grin and toss him another apple, his long fingers catching it deftly. "My da- Richard, he used to draw faces on my apples... He said he had learned it from a friend a long time ago." I smile and kiss my dad's head as I stand, running a hand across his suit jacket's shoulders.

" I smile and kiss my dad's head as I stand, running a hand across his suit jacket's shoulders

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He looks up as I lean my chin on his shoulder, his smile turning to a frown for a second. I furrow my eyebrows, "Anything wrong?" The Doctor quickly hides it, if something is worrying him, and stands also, kissing my brow. "Nothing, m'dear. I'm going to go work on some stuff... I seemed to have misplaced K-9. Bet he has gotten lost in the TARDIS; or perhaps investigating some of the rooms I have tucked away. Anyways, you have some fun."

He kisses my head once more and leaves me in silence.

I sigh and walk from the dining room that we are in, shutting the door behind me. I walk slowly through the hallways, my fingers running gently along the walls, the TARDIS humming with me. I begin to sing an old lullaby that pops into my head.

The lights flicker for a moment and I pause, walking towards and standing beside the light. It buzzes a few times before going completely out. I tilt my head to the side, placing my fingers on it. "Are you alright?"

Then, I laugh at myself. "Talking to a time machine?"

Another rumble and my smile fades, my feet taking a step back in surprise. "You can hear me?" Again, the TARDIS hums beneath my toes, the whole hallway lurching forward. I grunt and fall to the side, leaning on one of the walls.

"What's going on? Are you alright?"

Then, darkness.

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"Hello?" I say quietly, keeping my hand on the wall still and hurrying through the passages, the way back memorized. My footsteps are soundless as I return towards the TARDIS' main room, searching for my father or my mother.

"Dad? Mom?"

There is no answer.

"Calvin? Is anyone there?"

Again, no answer.

My fingertips brush against the walls of the TARDIS and I blink as hard as I can, attempting to clear my vision, but it doesn't work. "TARDIS," I say quietly. 'Oh, I can't believe I'm talking to you... Can you help show me the way out of here? I'm kinda afraid of the dark and I'm a little freaked out right now...."

There's a jolt and some lights turn on. They are red and drone on and off slowly, but they lead me down the correct path. I look up and smile. "Thanks," I whisper and continue towards the main room.

"Danny?" Calvin's voice appears first before i see him turn around the corner. "Hey," I breathe and hurry to him, his hand finding my neck, his fingers tangled in my hair. "What's happening? I was in the main engine room searching for you all when it went dark. I heard you talking so I came this way."

I shake my head and lift my shoulders. "I have no idea... Come on. We should get back to the main part of the TARDIS and wait for my parents. Maybe they'll know." He nods and wraps his arm around my waist, keeping me close.

"Is it getting colder in here?"

His statement makes me notice the sudden change in temperature and I shiver, holding him closer. "Yeah... Let's hurry."

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now