Chapter 60- Free Them

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A/N So I was reading through some of my chapters yesterday and noticed some things I left out waaaaay back. Silly me. So, as I've said before, I'm sorry for mistakes. xD I'm extremely forgetful.

Also, I didn't tell you the name of the man (who is Danielle's age and slapped Marjory) is Edward, and his mother, the mistress of the house, is Angelica.

Danielle's POV

I pick at the last crumbs on my plate, my stomach turned at Robert's cruel words as he jokes and torments his slaves.

I slowly stand, setting my napkin on the table, every eye turning to me. "May I be excused? I'm quite tired." Robert's smile returns, lust dancing in his stare as he watches me. "Yes, of course Danielle. I'm sure Annabeth can fix the guest room for you."

The small girl appears at the words, standing to the side. Robert sneers at her, gesturing to the stairs. "Listen, scum, you bring this fine woman to the guest bedroom upstairs. Make sure she is comfortable or else I will have your hide skinned! Understood?"

Anna nods dutifully, leading me back upstairs and into a large room, a queen-sized bed with a vanity table, chest of drawers, and a bookshelf decorating the area.

I slip inside, perching myself on the bed as Anna walks across the room, opening another door. "This is the bathroom, would you like me to draw you a bath?"

I smile, shaking my head. "No, not at the moment. Come, sit by me."

She hesitates, but obeys my command, taking a seat a foot away from me.

I sit on the edge of the steps, patting for her to take a seat next to me. I beckon her closer until I can place an arm around her. "You don't have to be frightened of me, Annabeth. I will never hurt you."

She swallows. "But every white man and woman I have ever met has done nothin' but hurt me and my mama." I brush hair from her face, letting her relax against me. "Well, I come from a different time... Er, place. Where no one is forced to do anything they don't want to."

Her eyes light up quickly, a fire appearing that wasn't there before. "No slaves?"

I shake my head, confirming her, "No slaves."

The Doctor's POV

Angelica orders Marjory to clean the table, my insides burning with anger. Robert repositions, relaxing in his chair.

"So, what is your name sir? I don't think you have introduced yourself."

I nod, wiping my lips on a napkin before I speak. "Doctor John Smith. Danielle and I hail from near Virginia, but we have been moving South, away from the fighting."

Angelica nods, sitting forward. "Is it just you two? Do you travel alone with the young lady?" I pick up her condescending tone, the implied meaning seeping through. "No, that would be improper. I have my wife and Danielle's friend, both journey with us."

Robert opens his mouth to question me further, but the door bell rings, Marjory hurrying past to answer it.

"Excuse me, but has a man named the Doctor come here? Or perhaps a girl named Danielle?" I hear River's voice, causing me to get to my feet.

Angelica and Robert follow me as I head to the door, greeting Melody with a smile. "Dear! Calvin!" I glance back at the boy behind her. "Glad you could catch up! We just finished dinner."

Melody looks at me in surprise, but after a glance at Robert, Marjory, and Angelica, she nods, understanding immediately the time period we arrived in.

Calvin seems to sense it too, his dark eyes watching us in silence. "Where is Danielle?" She asks, looking around. "Upstairs, ma'am," Robert answers, bowing slightly. "She was feeling tired so I sent one of my slaves to help her prepare for bed."

Melody smiles kindly, hopping into a conversation with Angelica and Robert. I slip next to Calvin, nudging him gently. "Go check on Danny. I'm sure she'll want to see you." He nods, hurrying up the stairs without another word.

Danielle's POV

As sunset approaches, I sit on the balcony, resting my head in my hands. Annabeth stands at a knock at the door, her quiet feet careful and quick.

Calvin stands in the doorway, smiling kindly at the girl. "Hello. I was told Danielle was in here..." She nods, points, and leaves us alone, the door shut tightly behind her.

I smile gently at him, pulling the crown of leaves and flowers from my head, setting it to the side. He gestures to it, taking a seat next to me. "What's that?"

I shrug, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Annabeth, the girl that just left, wanted me to try it on. I guess she had made it or something..." I stand up and place it inside on the edge of my bed, returning outside to where Calvin leans on the stone railing.

"Why are you up here?"

I feel chills run down my back as he places his hands on my lower back, his pinkie fingers trailing to my hips. "Doctor sent me to check on you."

I smile, leaning against him as a cold breeze blows, his warmth calming. "I just couldn't watch Annabeth and the others treated like that." He kisses my temple. "I know, I know. It's a wonder how we couldn't see human for human."

I nod, burying my face in the hollow of his neck. "I want to help them."

I feel his hand tense up at my words, but I speak again. "I want to free them."

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now