Chapter 63- Master

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*inhuman screeches* I've been wanting to bring the Master in for a while, trying to think of a perfect time.

I don't want to spoil, but I do believe that they bring him back in some of the newer seasons (DONT TELL ME IF MY GUESS IS RIGHT, I HAVENT WATCHED 12 YET!) And because of that, I don't know how he is really still alive. xD

I'm going to mostly skim over how he regenerated, focusing mainly on him and stuff! I'm so excited! Instead of his exact personality from the show, I'm going to shift it up a bit (you might, b/c of the actor i choose, see some Moriarty sprinkled in xD)

Anyways, I really want you guys to enjoy having him in here, just because he was such a great villain.

Plus, I'm going to reveal some more of Danny's past, which isn't as cheery and nice as you might have thought.

Let me say this: The Doctor's smile isn't the only reason she left her old life.

Danielle's POV

I catch myself on the railing, the door to the TARDIS slamming shut as Melody jumps back, yelling something to Marjory and Anna.

The Master looks to me, his hands folded neatly behind his back, his suit pristine and his hair combed. "Hello again, Danielle."

I almost choke on my sob, shaking my head firmly as the man of my past stands before me. "You're dead," I breathe. "You can't be here!" My previous days come flooding back, the memories that had been wiped and scrubbed flashing before my eyes.

I grab my head as my temples burn, falling to my knees. "How did you do that?" I whisper, the pain taking my voice. "How did you make me forget?" The Master squats beside me, the horrible crimes brought forward. "I can do a lot of things, Danny. But I believe you've already figured out how I'm alive. How I'm here."

I bite my tongue, the gold dust and screams now lining up, now making sense. "You're a Time Lord. Just like my dad."

He clicks his tongue, pacing around the engine again, wiping dirt from some of the controls. "Quite correct, my dear girl. Now, how would you like to take a trip down memory lane." I shake my head firmly, pressing myself to my feet.

"Get out of here."

He grins. "Aren't you adorable? You think I would just walk out of the TARDIS? Do you know your father's and my past? Do you know the day, the year, he erased to keep me from control?"

I stare at him blankly, clenching my jaw tightly; I keep myself silent. The Master gestures to everything around us, running a hand over his already slicked hair. "I own all of this now, Danny. I own the TARDIS. I own your father's past." He points to the Room of Memories.

He steps closer, his voice lowered to a whisper, his breath warmth and frightening.

"I own you."


River Song's POV

I groan, looking at the blood that drips from my wrist, the fall that protected Marjory and Anna injuring me. "Come on! Quickly!" I scream, guiding them away from the TARDIS and back through the maze, my memory recalling the exact route.

"Hurry! We can-"

I slam into my husband, the Doctor's sonic falling to the floor. "River! What's going on?!" He looks over my shoulder, Marjory and Anna standing together. "What are you doing?"

I shake my head, pushing him around the corner, ignoring Calvin's worried eyes. "He's back, Doctor. He's back." The Doctor shakes his head, confusion evident on his face. "Who, Melody?"

I take a breath, afraid that once I say it, it will be true.

"The Master."


Danielle's POV

I shake my head, his fingers wrapping around my wrist as he brings me to the engine of the TARDIS. "Where first? Would you like me to kill the Doctor now? Or in the future?" He runs his hand over a switch. "Or even the past?"

I shake my head, his hands shoving me roughly. "You pick! You control the TARDIS!"

"I don't know how!" I yell. More memories of my past flooding back. My previous regeneration. Before I was Danielle.

"Yes, you do! I taught you! I taught you everything!" He growls, taking my face into his hands. "Remember me, Danny? Or do you want me to refresh you on your old name?"

I panic, my heart bursting. "I remember, Master. I already remember."

I fall to the ground, my head burning and my lips screaming as it floods back.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now