Chapter 62- River Song: The Mom

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So sorry it's late, I was working on science fair this weekend! We had to start on our board and it took a while.

We've also been taking a lot of tests because our teachers have decided we should cram in everything before Thanksgiving and Christmas. >.<

Anyways, enjoy.

UPDATE: Oh my gosh! My poor lovelies! I thought I had published this chapter three days ago! I promise I added more just because my stupid wifi decided to cut out when i hit that little orange button! <3 Apologies again!


Calvin's POV

I walk down the stairs quietly, leaving Danny and Anna alone in the room. My heart still pounds from the kiss, the silent longing ebbing away. The Doctor and the owners of the house sit at the table, River Song missing from the room. I smile, smoothing my hair down quickly before joining them.

The Doctor nods to me, Marjory walking in and serving plates of chocolate cake and milk. She leans close to me, recognizing me from earlier, whispering, "Have you seen my daughter, Anna? She has gone a'missin'. I don't her in more trouble than we already have."

I nod, gesturing upstairs. "In the guest room. Danielle was speaking to her, seems like she wanted to talk to you too." Marjory smiles her thanks, serving the others who sit around me.

The Doctor leans closer to me, "You haven't happened to see my TARDIS key, have you?" I shake my head firmly, "No sir. Sorry." He winks, patting my wrist gently. "No, that's alright. Thanks anyway. If you see River Song, tell her I'm looking for her."

I nod once again, taking a bite of the cake.

River Song's POV

I edge the the treeline, pulling on my curly hair as it strays into my eyes. I can't stand it in there with those slave-owners.

Depriving someone of their freedom is worse than killing them.

At least in death you are able to make your choices.

I swallow hard, pressing the thought from my mind and turning on my heel, heading back towards the mansion.

The window to what I assume is the guest bedroom opens, Danielle stepping onto the balcony. She catches my eye, waving to me, beckoning me to where she is. I glance behind me, lifting up my skirt and jogging to the house.

I slip inside, only barely looking to the dining room where Calvin now sits with the others, the laughter on his face faked, his hands clenched at his sides.

I approve of him.

My feet are silent as I race up the steps, a small black girl waiting outside a door. She smiles politely at me, her teeth showing. "Follow me miss, your daughter wants to talk to you."

I nod, curious why Danielle told her about me being her mother. I walk in after the girl anyways, Danielle sitting on the edge of the bed, turning a TARDIS key over in her fingers.

"Where did you get that?" I ask gently, taking a seat next to her on the mattress. Danny lifts a shoulder, her mouth creasing into a frown. "Does it matter?"

I tilt my head forward, her voice hard as she leans on her knees, another woman joining us, looking remarkably like the child. I clear my throat, looking to my daughter. "Yes, it does... Danny, what's going on?"

She gestures to the two strangers, standing up and fiddling with the string on her pants. "I can't just leave them here! They'll kill them!" She runs a hand over her hair, which is already messed up.

I sigh, standing with her and looking to the two people. "Could you give us a moment? I need to speak to her alone." They nod, hurrying outside.

"Danielle, you and I both know that we can't do anything to change time. It could have disastrous changes." She chews on her thumbnail, her hair falling into her eyes as she looks to the floor. "I brought you here to help me, mom..."

I almost smile at the name, the use of my title causing my heart to leap, but I quickly control it, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Danielle. I can't. Let me see the key." She shakes her head firmly. "If you won't help me get them to safety, then I'll do it myself."

I sigh, my hand falling to my side again. "Danielle, listen to m-"

"No! You listen!"

I raise an eyebrow as she shouts.

"You and the Doctor weren't there for me when I was growing up! I lived eighteen years without a mother and Richard was almost never there for me. I can handle myself, River, that I can promise you. I'm getting them out one way or another."

I tap a foot, watching her carefully, the words stinging slightly. I shake my head, taking the key and twirling it in my fingers.. "We can't take them to another time... But perhaps we can give them their freedom and a home."

She smiles, kissing my cheek happily. "Thanks, mom."

I nod, enveloping her in a hug. "I love you, Danielle. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

She buries her face into my shoulder, her hands on my shoulder blades. "Me too.


A few hours later


River Song's POV

I glance at Danny, her body hunched to the ground, inspecting footprints dug into the ground as she attempts to decipher the maze's many turns. "It's this way," she breathes after only a moment, leading us down one to the end of a path, turning us to the right.

I beckon Anna and Marjory closer, who follow at a length, their hands wrapped around nothing more than each other and a small bag; their belongings no more than an extra pair of clothes and a stuffed bunny for Anna.

Danielle shouts happily, running forward as we reach the center of the maze, the TARDIS sitting there quietly.

I smile, turning to the two slaves. "Don't be afraid. We come from another time and another world. Our..." I place my words carefully, "Vehicle isn't what you would expect."

My daughter doesn't wait for us, unlocking the door and slipping inside. As I hold the door open for the young girl and her mother, I already see Danny bent over the TARDIS' engine, her eyes alight with something I haven't seen before.

And then, I notice that there is something there that wasn't before.

My breath hitches in my throat, the shadowy image curling away from the wall. He smiles, wrapping an arm around Danny's shoulders, whispering something into her ear that causes her to stumble back.

"Master," Danielle responds.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now