Chapter 80- The Doctor's Daughter

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A/N Apologies! I'm so late! I have been preparing for STATE SCIENCE FAIRRRRR!! We had so much fun, even though we didn't place! If you haven't realized already, this is just my relaxing story and might not be as good as my others, but I hope you are all still enjoying! <3

xD And, lookyyyyy! My NOHW (Numbers On Her Wrist) story is up to 30 THOUSAND views and is #3 In Action! How cool!

Love you all and thanks so much for waiting.

Danielle's POV

I blink several times in an attempt to clear my vision, sounds of Dalek voices and machines clanking together causing my head to spin. I groan and touch the side of my head, my chest tightening as I see the blood that sticks to my hand as I pull it in front of my face.

"The Doctor is awake!"

I look up, remembering my stolen identity and clear my throat as I push myself into a sitting position, bringing my face level with the beginning of the Dalek's "head." Calvin lies to my side, still unconscious from the hit over the head.

"Where are we?"

"The Pit of the Daleks!"

I turn, a red Dalek rolling up beside me, some of its parts missing or detached. I tilt my head to the side, pointing to where one of the gold globes would be. "Why are you missing a piece of you?" I pause a moment, "Are you incomplete? Are you being built still?"

"I am a Dalek! I am a supreme race! I am not incomplete!"

I nod once, pushing myself to my feet and dusting the back of my jeans off. I scuff my boot against the floor, my eyes wandering over the large area, causing my heart to almost stop.

Almost a hundred Daleks fill the entirety of the room, all of their eyes focused on me no matter where they stand. The rafters and the second storey hold many of the monsters- almost three dozen- but it's the Dalek that sits only five feet in front of me that catches my attention.

The top of its "shell" has been torn off, the pinkish-brown body inside inflating and deflating as the tubes stuck through its skin assist it. The yellow eye blinks, the Dalek staring at me; but the unsettling part is that it is almost five times larger than the other Daleks.

"Who might you be?" And I suddenly realize my father's curiosity at a time like this. My heart pounds and my stomach leaps, but I feel alive- I feel on fire. I place my hands behind my back, holding them together as the base of my waistline.

"I am Skarupos! Who are you?"

I lift a shoulder, remaining calm on the outside, keeping my lies simple and short- I cannot let them know I am not truthful with them. "The Doctor... Why are you-"

"Stop with your questioning! The Time Lords are worth nothing! They are scum!" I wrinkle my nose, glancing to the side as I hear Calvin begin to stir, waking up from the hit to our heads. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"You are a Time Lord!"

"Yeah, yeah... That's pretty obvious." I bite into my cheek, realizing that as the Daleks move in closer my excitement- the fire- is quickly being replaced by fear. "I, um," I clear my throat, "I meant why do you hate all Time Lords? What have they done so wrong?"

"That is irrelevant!"

"Not really," I breathe, and several of the Daleks acting as guards for Skarupos roll closer, threatening me, their arms held out in anger. I take a few feet back, my own hands held up in defense, "I do not insult."

I watch as a few lower their weapons, but many stay focused on me, deeming me untrustworthy to even stand near Skarupos. I clear my throat, gesturing to nothing in particular, noticing that Calvin has become fully awake, his hand on his head to feel for bumps. "What do you plan on doing? Why are you on Hafirering?"

"We shall bring a new age! We are the Daleks and will reign su-"

"No so fast, sweeties!" I turn suddenly at the sound of River's voice, the Doctor close behind her as the Daleks begin to spin to see the new arrival- I'm curious how they haven't noticed her yet. "That's my daughter you are talking to there! I will not have her hear of this violence!"

"She shall hear the cries of the people! Death follows the Doctor everywhere!" I grimace as I see my father's face fall slightly, his sonic screwdriver, held low at his side. Melody doesn't miss a beat, crossing her arm and smiling, "And just how do you plan on this violence? You are broken! You are beaten!"

"Do you not know we are armed, Time Lady?! We shall exterminate you!" She chuckles and points to the four Daleks that had fired their weapons, claiming the lives of the Hafirering villagers earlier today. "I disabled all the working Daleks! All that is left is you and these puny guards!"

I frown and glance to the ones that surround me. "You mean they can't harm me?" River turns her attention to me, smiling brightly, "No, darling. Now, let's get you out of here!"

"We will raise our brothers and sisters from their prisons! From their cages! We shall be more numerous than the stars!" The Doctor laughs and takes my hand, Calvin hurrying to my side and checking that I am alright.

"Trust me, Dalek, the Doctor took care of that!"

"The Doctor has been here with us!"

"Oh," he glances to me and grins, "Guess I've been impersonated twice today! Well, guess we had you fooled!" He pulls on us, hurrying us away from the room of the Daleks, guiding us towards what looks to be an exit. "We need to go.... Melody rigged the exits to blow any moment now."

Calvin and I nod as we run, racing away as the Daleks scramble to stop us. It is only moments later before we reach the surface, River Song rushing us further away from the metal panels that serve as the doors. "Hope I got all those doors. We will be dam-"

There are five large explosions, rubble and debris flying in many different directions. The Doctor grabs my hand, pulling me away, but I pause my heart racing. "They had the TARDIS." My parents glance at me in surprise, "What?"

"The TARDIS. The Daleks said they took it."

I follow them as they lead us through the woods, the bright glowing light of the TARDIS appearing through the trees and leaves. "But- How?"

"Never trust a Dalek, darling. Never know if they are lying or just defective." The Doctor helps us all into the TARDIS, keeping the door open a little and his eye on the landscape for around a minute. I allow Melody and Calvin to wander off, and I return to where my father stands.

"What are you looking at?" He frowns and then smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders before kissing my head. "Hafirering has never faced conflict... I doubt it ever will again, but look at that." I run my eyes over the smouldering land and buildings, the people who were killed before my eyes now wrapped in white sheets before the camp.

There are oer four dozen.

My eyes harden. "I hate the Daleks."

The Doctor glances at me and purses his lips, but says nothing as we move fully within the TARDIS, his hands expertly flicking the knobs and levers to pull us into space. As the spaceship jolts, I hold onto him for support.

"So do I," he breathes and kisses my head again.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now