Chapter 20- A Old and New Friend

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"It's me.. The Doctor."

I look from one to the other, trying to figure out the connection. Rose laughs quietly, stepping closer to him, examining his features carefully.

"You've gone and changed your face again." The Doctor smiles kindly, both of them with locked eyes. "Well, you know how it is..."

Without another thought they rush to each other, hugging on the opposite tightly. Rose begins to cry softly, the Doctor kissing her golden hair.

"I always kept thinking I heard you coming. Or saw you. I was trapped for so long, but I somehow got back. I loved the human Doctor, but I wanted more."

She hugs him, wiping away her tears. "So, who are you traveling with these days?" The Doctor steps back, gesturing to me and Calvin.

"That is Calvin, a boy we picked up off the moon. And this is Danielle, my daughter." Rose shakes both our hands, smiling wide.


The Doctor rolls his eyes at her comment. "Well, shall we figure out a way to escape now?" He claps his hands together, an arm around both me and Rose's shoulders.

"Well we have your sonic screwdriver..." He takes it, kissing my forehead. "Thank you!" He lets it buzz, aiming it at the metal door.

A lock clicks, the door swinging open loudly.

"Always one for making noises." Rose chuckles, winking at me. "Oh! Shut up you two!" He glances at Calvin.

"Hey! I'm not helping! I agree with her!" We all laugh at the Doctor's face, letting him lead us out. A guard stands in his way, but the sonic screwdriver is pointed his way, frying his systems.

"I really want one of those things." Rose and I mutter together, grinning at each other. We run beside the Doctor, heading for the exit.

"You can call me Danny, by the way!" Our feet pound the halls, guards racing after us. "Pleasure! So, how long have you traveled with your father?"

I laugh, ducking as a robot fires at us. "Only about a week. I just met him..." I trail off, the Doctor pulling us into a small room, allowing the guards to sweep by.

"Have any fun adventures?" She whispers, but the Doctor covers her mouth. "Shh...." I roll my eyes, talking in a normal voice. "They can't hear us. The-"

Calvin covers mine, directing my attention behind me.


The dalek we brought with us sits covered in chains, shaking violently. "Doctor! I thought we got rid of all of those..." Rose says urgently, staring at the creature.

"Dad... It has it's cover back on..."

My father looks up, his eyes moving over the plunger and whisk.

(yes I know. They look like that though! :D)

"Well....." He clicks his tongue, his hand moving back to teh doorknob. "Run!" He twists the handle as the dalek fires, all of us ducking. Guards still stream by, barely noticing us.

We race with the flow of the traffic, swept towards the exit.

The moment the sun shines on my face I breathe a sigh of relief.

*        *        *        *        *        *        *

Calvin stands next to the Doctor, a hand supporting his chin as my father tries to explain some complicated equation.

I sit on the edge of the stairs, my head leaning against the railing. "May I sit with you?"

I turn, looking up. "Sure."

Rose smiles, taking a seat next to me, folding her knees to her chest. "Even the TARDIS has changed..." She remarks.

I look around at the big circles surrounding the place. THe engine hums quietly, Calvin and the Doctor arguing.

"What was he like?.... Before, I mean." I shake my head. "I mean when you traveled with him... Alone."

Rose Tyler looks at the ceiling, shrugging. "It was wonderful. We went all different places, saw amazing things..."

She leans closer to me, "Defeated some scary villians."

I giggle, turning to face her. "So, are you going to tell me how you ended up here?" Rose nods, beginning her story.


Was that alright?

Did Rose seem normal? o-o

I'm still trying to watch as much as I can of the episodes with her in it, but school is being a pain in the butt.

Anyways.... Comment below, vote, like that sorta stuff. :P

I might, MIGHT, upload another chapter tonight...

Depends on how much y'all enjoyed it. <3


The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now