Chapter 18- All By Myself

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I grunt in pain, sitting up slowly. I can barely see my hand in front of me. I feel around the place, trying to get a sense of where I'm at.

My hand touches the wall, cold water dripping onto my fingers. It feels like glass, but not exactly glass. I squat down feeling the floor.

This time it feels like stone, small traces of dirt lining the paved rocks. I look squeeze my eyes shut, my head banging from the stun gun.

"Hello?" I ask, hoping someone can hear me. But there's no answer.

I run my fingers over the walls, stopping when I feel a notch. I pull on it, a light flipping on. I shield my eyes, adjusting to the sudden change in brightness.

"Is anyone out there?" I say, peering through the glass around me.

I can see through my cage. A long row of glass tubes line the wall opposite of me, creatures and machines inside.

Some look to be sedated, asleep and hovering in a blue liquid. Others lie slumped agains the wall, un-moving. And still others have their faces pressed to the glass, observing my every move.

I turn my head.

My row is the same way. Hundreds of things captured. I run my finger over a latch, pushing down on it.

"Ow!" I yell, a sharp shock coursing through my body as my fingertips brush the handle. I touch the back of my neck.

My heart almost stops.

A small line of stitches line my neck, cocealing something inside me. I press on it, my head beginning to spin. Another shock floods me, sending me to my knees.

"What's going on?"

I look up, three robotic looking beings walking up, holding guns. A man steps from behind him, grinning at me.

"Ah... The new subject. Pretty one, isn't she?" I fidget,throwing my weight against the glass. The man jumps backwards, chuckling as he recovers himself.

"Fiesty too. I like her... Bring her with."

Before I know it, the glass window in front of me disappears, making me fall on my face in front of the guards.

"I'm Mr. Harris. Please, what's your name?"

I sit up, two arms lifting me to my feet. "Why would I tell you anything?" He grins, tapping my cheek gently.

"Good.... Good. You speak my language. Not many here can understand me...."

He glances at me as he continues.

"Because I have your three friends."

I feel my eyes harden, turning to chips of ice. "I only have two friends with me. The other is a dalek, and is willing to kill you on sight."

Mr. Harris laughs, crossing his arms and beckoning to the guards. "Make her follow."

He clears his throat, leading me down past the other prisoners. They all stare in envy, wishing they could be free too.

"I take it the dalek was the metal mutant. The one the bow-tied man brought in? Well, little did he know he would become part of my experiments too."

I feel anger rush over me, my hand grabbing the back of the man's shirt. "What did you do to him!?" The guards react quickly, pulling me away.

"Nothing... Yet. You see your friend assumed this was a recreational facility, where evil-doers could find some sort of joy..."

His laugh chills my bones. "No no... This, my pet, is my zoo. My prize possessions. And you are now one of them." He gives me another glance. "Take her to Room 221B. Her friends should still be there with Galap."

Yes yes, Sherlock reference. But don't blame me.

BBC makes awesome shows.


I drag my feet, kicking and yelling as they pull me down hallways. I count the numbers on the doors, but lose track as the robotic men speed up, practically flying.

Mr. Harris looked human.

But he didn't feel human. His fingers, when they touched my cheek, feel cold and emotionless. He doesn't feel real. But he looks real.

"Open up."

A dark wooden dark swings open, a burly looking creature standing in the threshold. "What do you want?"

His accent is thick. I would bet anything it's the TARDIS' translater kicking in and that he is speaking some alien language.

"Calm down, Galap. Master sent this one to you. He says to treat her gently, he'll be here in a moment."

Funny... I don't remember hearing Mr. Harris say that.

The creature grabs my shoulder roughly, pushing me in. I look around, trying to keep from throwing up in fear.

Calvin and the Doctor stand apart, their arms and legs shackled. Both of them look tired, but unhurt.

"Dad! Calvin!" I scream, about to race to them, but Galap takes my arm and locks it to a table, forcing me to kneel to prevent it from cutting into my skin.

"Dad? How touching." Mr. Harris walks in, grinning. "Looks like we have a little more leverage now."

I shiver, staring at the floor.

I'm an idiot.

Was that considered a cliff-hanger?

Sorry if so. <3

I didn't have much time today, but did my best.

I'll update asap.

Looooooooove you all. <3 :*


The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now