Chapter 30- A Flashing Light, A Disappearance

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Y'all are seriously going to hate me for this chapter....

Please note, I really do love all of you.... But that doesn't mean I'm saving you from feels and heartbreak....

So yeah, you're welcome for this upsetting piece.

"The Silence? What's that supposed to mean?"

My father turns me around, making me come face to face with a creature.

Wait, not a creature, the creature. The one we saw earlier in the diner.

"How's that possible?" I gasp, finding Calvin's hand to hold onto. Rose stands close to me, the Doctor keeping his sonic out.

"You forgot. You will always forget these things."

Calvin glances around me, his fingers tightening around my palm. "Why? What are they?"

"I told you, knucklehead! Pay attention! They are the Silence. They are waiting for my death."

I jump at his statement. "Your death? But won't you just regenerate?" The Doctor sighs, keeping his eyes on the Silent standing beside the engine in the TARDIS. "There's ways to kill a Time Lord, Danny. It just takes a lot."

I bite my tongue, stopping myself from asking more. "How do we get it out?" The Doctor walks forward, his hands behind his back as he observes the Silent.

The door to the TARDIS opens, a woman with curly redish-blond hair stepping in. "Hello, sweetie. With a slick motion she pulls out a gun and fires it three times, the creature moaning as it falls back, dead.

"You didn't have to kill it!" I scream, Calvin holding me back as I step forward.

"Calm down. That thing is a monster. You don't want to know what it did to me."

I move forward, watching as she pushes it to the side, flipping a few switches on the engine and standing next to my father. "Who are you?"

The Doctor shakes his head, glancing at me and then the woman. "Nevermind that. Danny, Calvin, Rose. Can you three take this outside? I need to work on something really fast."

Before I can object Calvin and Rose step in, beginning to drag the Silent away, both of them beckoning for me to help.

* * *

"I can't believe you helped him take this creature out. That woman just murdered it!"

Rose smiles sadly, glancing at me. "You're so caring, Danielle. I wish all the worlds had more of people like you."

I shrug, turning to the right.

I hear a loud scream, following by a grunt. I spin back around, seeing Calvin lying on the grass, a bloody wound on his forehead.

A Silent stands towering above me, Rose held by one of their companions. "Let her go!" I challenge, stepping forward.

"Do not attempt to scare me, child! I know who you are!" It's voice makes my blood run cold.

I step on Calvin's hand, allowing the scene to record. "What do you want?"

"You are the Doctor's daughter. With you as our leverage, we can ensure the Doctor will not try to alter his death again."

I tilt my head, genuinely confused. "Again?"

"Silence!" (ah, the irony! ^-^)

A scream rips from my throat as bolts of electricity fly from it's fingers, striking Rose. She doesn't even have time to cry out.

She is gone.

And so am I.

* * *

Calvin's POV

I wake up lying in the grass, a splitting headache filling my head. I touch my skin, groaning as it comes away bloodied.

"Danny? Rose?" I look around, but all I see is a pile of ash...

And my flashing hand.

I'm sorry....

I'm so sorry, Rose...

</3 I'm sure you know what happened..... Please don't murder me :'(

Don't worry, there will be a time with the Doctor and Danny grieving Rose, so it's not as blunt and indifferent....

Guess I truly am a "spawn of Moffat"

I'm sorry <3

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now