Chapter 15- Exterminate!

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First off!

YAY!!! Daleks are awesome...

In the um... Creepy-awesome way!

They are by far my second favorite, closely following the Weeping Angels, which just so happened to be in the first episode I ever watched <3


So, tell me.

What would y'all think of a small appearence of Rose?

Rose Tyler.

I don't know. Up to you guys.....

It would "force" me to watch all the episodes with her, so it might be a bit before I'd publish it. xD

Anyways, here's Chapter 15!!

People race around their town, screaming and racing about, goats bleating. I glance at the Doctor. "Well, I hope you're happy. You do this everywhere you go!"

Calvin breathes on his fingernails, polishing them. "Well thank you! I know I'm so fabulous!" I roll my eyes, trying to stay serious after his comment.

"I have the same answer!" The Doctor says, laughing quietly. "Daleks seem to end up everywhere...." I sigh, following him through a small spacing between two homes.

The metal mutant rolls past, firing constantly, people turning to ash.

"Help them! People are dying!" I yell, gesturing frantically towards the screaming crowd.

My father gets quiet, Calvin turning from where he is standing. The Doctor waves a hand, covering his face in his hands.

"That's what happens..." He whispers, trying to clear his throat. "That-" His voice breaks.

I stare at him, fidgeting. I didn't mean to get him upset. He has fixed so many things... He is a Time Lord!

"People die around me! Everyone! Every single one of my friends." I walk over, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry, dad... I didn't mean to say that. And no. You help everyone. You're a hero."

He smiles a little, squeezing my hand softly. "Then let's go get that Dalek!"

We race off, weaving against the flow of traffic, the people carrying their things. Chickens, goats, bags and carts of things all pushed around.

Guards scatter around, trying to calm the people down, shouting the Queen's command. But it's to no avail.

"So, how exactly do we defeat this monster? It looks pretty strong."

The Doctor jogs along side me, glancing at me for a second. "Well, there's a self-destruction button, but we would have to trick or convince the thing to press it."

I nod, stepping over a pile of rubble. "Okay... What else?" The Doctor grins slightly. "Pride. Insult them enough and they explode... Well, kind of.."

Calvin sighs, "Is there like any type of exploding thingy we could use?" I giggle, looking to the Doctor.

He stands still for a second, as if trying to remember something important. "I believe with quite a few grenades and machine guns we just might have enough power to kill this thing."

Another shot is fired from the Dalek, more people running past us.

"Well how are we going to find that? We are in the middle of ancient Egypt!"

A grin spreads over my father's face. "No. Dad. What are you thinking?" He grins even wider, taking off in the direction og the TARDIS.

"Dad! Ugh! Come on Cal!"

I grab his hand, pulling him with me. He stops, holding his side, breathing harder. "Calvin? What's wrong?" He blinks hard, staring up at me. "Nothing, love..."

I nod, continuing to lead him after my father. I hear him groan loudly, falling to the ground. "Calvin! What's going on?"

He moves his hand aside, revealing cut in his side, blood pouring from the wound. "Nothing, see? Just a small cut from the marble that flew around after the dalek broke the altar in half."

I stare at the thick red liquid, putting his arm over my shoulders. "Come on. We have to get you into the TARDIS."

We hurry back, his weight mostly on me as he limps.

"Seriously, I'm saving your butt all the time." He kisses my cheek at my statement, wincing slightly. "Only twice."

"Yeah? But one of those times you were completely dead...."


I pull us to the sandy ground as the Dalek moves closer to us. "Doctor!"

There's no answer. The plunger looking arm sticks out further, pointing downwards, towards our faces. I laugh in fear.

"Doctor!?! Now would be an amazing moment for you to do one of your showy rescue plans!"

As the Dalek approaches, the weapon loading and charging, my father drops from out of nowhere, holding a grenade.

"Evening sir!" He stuffs the ball like object in the plunger, pulling the clip. He hurries over, dragging us to safety.

"Panic! Exterminate! Panic! Help!"

THe grenade explodes, the entire cover of the Dalek flying off. I gasp as I see the inside...

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ