Chapter 5- Danger on It's Way

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I watch the Doctor study the asteroids as they float through space, headed straight towards the moon.

"Shouldn't we tell someone?"  I listen to the Doctor's sigh, his hand resting on my shoulder. "Yes... Come on."

He grabs my wrist and pulls me away, leading me towards the elevator. I chew on my cheek, waiting as he presses the button to call a lift.

"Can I help you two?" A man walks up, dressed in a red suit with buttons covering most the front. I watch as the Doctor straightens the boy's tie, winking.

"Not unless you have a very long stick."

The server raises an eyebrow, confusion shadowing his face.

"What do you mean sir?"

The elevator arrives, dinging. "I mean that the asteroids are headed our way, and that we need to stop it."

We step through the doors, the Doctor standing with his hands clasped behind his back. He stares the boy in the eye. "Well?"

"Well what, sir?"

"Aren't you coming to help?" I smile as I see the two men watching each other.

"But... I'm on duty-"

"Oh who cares! This is an adventure! You're saving everyone's life!" And with that, the server hops in, taking off his hat.

"I'm Calvin. Cal, if you would like." He turns, holding out a hand for me to shake. I look up, noticing for the first time he's not like the others.

He only has one nose, like me and the Doctor.

I give him a smile, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Calvin. Is your last name Klein?"

He looks, puzzled at my question, "No? Why would that be my last name?"

I laugh with my father, looking away. He claps his hands together, chuckling. "Well! Let's save the Moon!"

*        *        *        *        *

I step with Calvin, my father walking at an alarming speed."So, why don't you have a second nose?"

I look at him, surprised at his question. "Why don't you?" He winks, pointing to his badge. "I'm just a server, low on the totem pole, so to speak. You don't get a second nose unless you are either born into a wealthy family or if you get a good job."

I shake my head. "What about you?" He asks, jogging to catch up to my father's fast pace. I shrug, taking a deep breath.

"I'm not.... From around here. Well, not really. I'm from that planet-" I point out one of the large windows, the blue and green Earth suspended in space. "I live there."

Calvin's eyes widen, his mouth hanging open. He runs into the Doctor's back, stumbling. "Careful. Come on, in here."

My new friend shakes his head. "Even you two couldn't get in there. That's the bridge. Locked shut with a SP29-90. Best lock in the whole universe. I-"

The Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver, the door clicking open. "You obviously haven't met my dad. He's the Doctor."

I run after him, Calvin left speechless.

We continue through the dark hallway, the red lights flickering every once and a while. Calvin slips up beside me, flashing me a grin.

"You said you were from Earth? How? That place has been off-limits for like, forever."

The Doctor shushes him, "Shh! We don't want anyone to know we're here yet."

I turn back to Calvin, hiding a smile. "I'm.... I..." I stop, not exactly sure what to say. Would he really believe that I'm from the past?

"She's from 2015."

"Is that like, a planet?"

I shake my head, giving my dad a look. "No, the year 2015."

Calvin's mouth drops, leaning against the wall for support. "You are over 3000 years old! But, how! You look as old as me!"

I chuckle, winking at him. I kind of like being msyterious. "You'll have to find out later. I think the Doctor found the door."

The Doctor hovers the screwdriver over the lock, the door opening for him. He walks in, the man, who I assume is the manager, rises.

"Out of my control room! Who do you think you are!?"

I watch as my father begins poking buttons, glancing at the screens.

"I'm helping you." His answer is simple, causing the manager to go into a fit of rage.

"Get out before I call security." The Doctor waves a hand, ignoring the fuming man.

"Ah, they know already." He flashes the psychic paper, returning it to his suit pocket.

"Whoa. He's-" I nod, cutting Calvin off, just in case he saw something different on the mind-bending badge.

"Yeah. Shh."

The Doctor walks close to the largest panel. "What do these do?"

"Well, not that you need to know, they are the defensive weapons. Able to vaporize any threat that's liable to hurt our city."

The Doctor reaches for a lever, but the manager stops him. "I'm not letting you touch that too!"

"What's your name sir?" Calvin tries to calm him down, questioning him gently.

"John T. Rucker. But you will address me as sir!" I pull my friend back, silencing him.

"I told you not to touch that!" John yells, pulling the Doctor away.

"If you will pardon me, sir! I am about to save the lives of thousands of people! Let me do my work!"

"How? There's nothing about to happen! All the radars are claer of ships and the asteroids are still hundreds of thousands of miles away."

I pull on Mr. Rucker's suit, asking feebly, "Sir, if you don't mind. The Doctor knows what he's doing. The asteroids are at the wrong angle. They are going to hit the Moon, not Earth!"

He eyes me suspiciously.

"Doctor? Doctor Who?"

*        *        *        *        *        *        *

Mwahahaha! I got to use it ^_^ I'm very happy!! Heheeee

I'll update the next part soon!! Love you all! :*

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now