Chapter 46- The Doctor Arrives

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Sorry, bout that cliffhanger. At least you get the next chapter within like, twenty minutes. ^-^ Hehehehe

Oh, and my coach (cross country) has been having us run every single day at least 3 miles (5 on one of the days)

Anyways, school starts in 17 days, so it might only be an update a week when that happens, maybe two, depending on the meets for my cc, and hw.

Love y'all! And I promise I won't forget to update :*

Doctor's POV

I feel the entire room stare at me as I finish my sentence, the TARDIS lurching into action. Richard is first to speak, his voice calm but menacing. "You let someone die. And you are claim to be a good father to Danny."

I almost break, but I reply with the same tone. "You're a policeman and you're saying you've never had to let someone die."

"That's different." He shakes his head.

"No, it really isn't. I had no choice. I didn't have time to save them all and now he holds me responsible. He blames me for their deaths, but I promise you that he brought it on himself."

Calvin leans on the railing. "Listen, I'm sure there's a reason for what you did. From what I have seen from you, Doctor, I know you would never leave anyone behind on purpose."

Melody smiles at the boy, patting his shoulder as the TARDIS stops, a small rumble beneath our feet.

"We're here. Let's go get Danielle."

(Sorry, for now I've got to switch from 1st to 3rd person, so it's a little different that I'm used to writing, but for this part it's necessary)

3rd Person POV

The TARDIS lands near the entrance to Pasquale's and William's home. People scatter about as they see the appearing blue box, shouts and orders thrown across the courtyard. Guards hurry from their hiding spot, weapons aimed on the door as it creaks open, the Doctor stepping out.

He raises his hands, a few people rushing forward and grabbing him. "Where's your companion? Pasquale said you always have people with you." A man asks. The Doctor shakes his head, bowing it as he is handcuffed. "I came alone. I can't let anyone die for me."

They stare at him for a moment, but believe him. They lead him inside, two guards positioned on either side of the TARDIS to make sure no one can get to it.

As soon as the courtyard is empty (other than the two guards and the TARDIS) the door opens again, in silence this time. River pokes her head out, grinning as she injects the two men with a sedative, a sigh coming from both as they collapse to the ground.

"Oh, man. I love that weapon," she whispers, beckoning for the Richard and Calvin to follow her.

As they make their way inside the home, the Doctor is escorting to the main chamber, Pasquale and William sitting in their chairs. A whisper is sent from the latter's mouth, a guard hurrying out the side door.

"Where's he going?" THe Doctor asks as he is forced to his knees in front of the men. A smile passes over his captors' lips. "Oh, him? Just to get someone to witness your death."

The Doctor grimaces, his eyes darting to the side door as it opens again, a frown quickly edging to his face.

Danielle's POV

I look from where Pasquale stands to the Doctor, who kneels on the ground as two guards aim their guns at him. I try to move forward, but a hand grabs my wrist, keeping me back. "Dad," I whisper, his eyes meeting mine.

William steps forward, circling my father. "Would you care to tell her the story of our meeting? Or shall I?"

The Doctor stays silent.

"Answer me!" I turn away as they hit the Doctor across the cheek, his head forced to the side. He still keeps quiet.

"Alright, father. I'll tell it. You rest yourself." Pasquale moves down, glancing at me and smiling. I shiver.

"Danny, tell me, has your father ever told you of the people he has killed?"

My heart beats faster.

"All the people who have suffered because of him? The entire race that he helped to wipe from this universe?"

I clench my fists, shaking my head. "My father is a good man."

Pasquale smirks, gesturing loosely to the Doctor. "I take that as a no. Well, let me be the first to tell you of one of his lone adventures."

He walks around the room, his voice raising. "Almost fifty years ago, the Doctor stumbled upon a small planet, just a few light years from Meekin. It was in disarray, a war raging across the lands. People were poor, helpless, scattered around the world. But not my family and I. We were rich, just like we are here. We ruled the people and my race of shapeshifters kept ourselves happy."

He glares at my father. "But he came and took it all from us. He burned my home, he destroyed everything I had! He let my family die!"

I flinch at his words, their meaning seeping through me. "You're lying," I whisper, but doubt courses through me.

The Doctor is capable of this.

Could he have done this?

"I am? Well, why don't you ask him yourself?"

I glance at him, hoping for him to tell me that none of it was true, but my fears are only confirmed.

"I did fight for the poor people under this man. I took away his home, I burned his estate, but I didn't mean to kill his family. It was an accident."

I take a shuddering breath.

"An accident? How dare you!"

But before he can strike my father, the doors burst open, River Song and my adoptive father bursting in. But there's another person with them.


The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now