Chapter 57- Antonions

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Sorry! I'm overdue to post this chapter, but I've been terribly busy! Thank you all for your patience! Also, we are so close to ten THOUSAND views!! Expect a couple of chapters once we get there to celebrate! <3

Danielle's POV

I stare at Calvin, his fingers gentle as they wipe away the blood from my sides. I sit in my sports bra, my new long hair hanging over my chest. I keep my eyes steady on his shirt, the veins on his arms and fingers. I don't meet his eyes.

"I could have done this myself," I whisper, still finding my new voice. He smirks, finishing the last patch of skin. "The Doctor asked me to. He doesn't know how the regenerating will effect you, so I am to stay at your side 24/7."

I finally smile, his fingers lifting my chin up. "Even if he didn't, I wouldn't let you from my sight."

I feel my cheeks warm and I drop my head, returning my eyes to his shirt. "Here," he presses an over-sized grey sweater into my hands. "Put this on." I follow his instructions, the new shirt smelling like him.

Calvin helps me off his kitchen counter, my hand resting on his bicep as I steady myself. "Can we go check on the people from that spaceship?" His eyebrows pull together, his hands moving a stray piece of golden hair behind my ears. "You should rest..."

"I want to make sure they're alright... I promise I'll rest afterwards."

He chuckles, pulling me towards the door, the long sleeves slipping over my knuckles, close to the middle of my fingers. "Fine, you win Danny. Ten minutes, but then you are coming back here and resting."

I feel my heart speed up, if only for a second. "Why no my room?" He notices my alarm, a gentle hand guiding me towards the infirmary. "Don't worry, Danny. My bed is bigger than yours and the couch is right beside it. I don't want to have to sleep on the floor."

I nod, swallowing my heart.

My mother passes us as we turn a corner, a smile playing on her lips as she winks, a hand sliding over my shoulder. "Be quiet in there, they are sleeping." I nod my understanding, Calvin's hand around mine as we enter.

About twenty people lie in white beds, their wounds dressed. 12 women, 5 men, 6 children. My heart aches painfully as I see the face of one of the girls, her clear blue eyes barely 3 years old.

Calvin wraps an arm around my waist, keeping me close to him as we move to the edge of the room where an older man sits upright, awake.

He turns as he sees us, a smile slowly parting his features. "Hello," he says gently, his voice rasping. "Hello," I respond, my clear eyes meeting his glassy.

"You must be the young lady who died for my daughter."

I simply nod.

"But yet, you are not dead."

I nod again.

He chuckles, placing frail fingers on my skin. "Thank you, my dear girl. I cannot tell you how grateful I am." He bows his head slightly, patting my arm.

I clear my throat. "How is everyone? Your friends and family, I mean." He lifts a shoulder. "There were thousands of us on our spaceship. Thousands on thousands of Antonions. Now only 23 of my crew remains... But we are fine."

I avert my eyes, but the man takes my small hand. "No, child, it is not your fault. Those beasts are to blame and they alone I hold my fury against."

Another nod.

"Sir, is there some planet you wish to live? We can take you there and help you settle." He smiles at Calvin's offer. "Yes, dear boy. Alpha 9 in Quadrant 10. It is where the Antonions used to live. We travelled far for discoveries, leaving only a few thousand behind with our planet. I would be eternally grateful for you to return us."

Calvin stands, pulling me with him. "I will let the Doc- Er, our Captain know. We will let you know when we arrive."

I smile once more at the old Antonion, Cal leading me back to his room, where he leaves me as he goes to speak with the Doctor.

I trail my fingers over him books and his photos, finally taking a seat on his bed. I push the covers back, holding my knees to my chest as I wait.

My new frame and features seem to suit me well, everything adjusting quickly to me. I feel quieter than before, gentler, perhaps even more agreeable. I will have to see.

Calvin's door opens, a soft smile on his face as he enters. "You alright?" I nod. He sits near my feet, a hand on my knee. "I'm going to be sleeping right here, alright?" He gestures to the couch. "If you need anything at all, you just give me a nudge."

I nod again, causing him to chuckle. "You're much quieter like this... I like it." I grab a pillow threateningly, making his laugh deepen, rumbling from his chest. "I'm just messing, Danny." He kisses my forehead. My nose. My lips, causing a chill to run down my back.

"Goodnight," he whispers.

"Goodnight." I say back.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now