Chapter 82- A Princess

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Do y'all still love me? I am sooooo sorry I couldn't post the past few weeks, I was trying to keep up with writing The Numbers On Her Wrist- as it has been #1 and I want to publish it- annnnnd I also have had writer's block for this story.

Now, question- would you rather long chapters from now on that might be a little late, or short chapters on time?

Also, this chapter will have an "unknown" POV. They are a character going to be in the next chapters. :0 You will find out who they are later on.

Danielle's POV

Calvin and I linger in the peaceful silence as we wander the hallways and passageways, the only occasional sound coming from the Doctor as he twists the panel's knobs and levers. I keep my hand wrapped in Calvin's, knowing that within the past few weeks, we could have been killed dozens of times. For the past few days, I have been unable to walk alone without the darkness frightening me; it sounds silly, but I am afraid of the thing that only children fear.

We arrive in the main control center, my father leaning over a handbook, flipping through the pages carefully and quickly.

"You've had a hard last couple of days," the Doctor says as I hang tightly to Calvin, watching his fingers and hands as he guides the TARDIS through time and space. I lift an eyebrow, River Song no where to be seen. "Yeah, we all did. Why is that so different?" He smiles brightly and presses a red button. "Thought I might treat you to a place I haven't visited in quite a while.

"Where are we going, dad? When are we going?"

"Thought you might like to be a princess today."

As I smile he tugs on a handle and we take off.

Unknown POV

I breathe heavily as I fight through the woods, the stars hanging high in the sky tonight, and they no longer provide with an adequate amount of light. I do not wish to light a torch- it would only attract attention, and that is the last thing I need right now. The sound of men following close behind with swords and shields and daggers has begun to dissipate in the last ten minutes, but I continue at my fast pace all the same.

I will arrive at the gates soon.

"Remy? What on earth are you doing here?"

I spin around, a young man with light brown- almost blond- appears on the gravelly pathway, a smile on his face. "Hey, Peter." He lifts a leg to push up the large baskets he is carrying, a nod sent my way. "Mind helping me out a bit? Might help you get in without being noticed." I chuckle and jog to him, catching a pair of apples before they tumble to the ground and set them back in the wicker basket. "It will only get me past the first guards... I'll need to show my face in order to get into the main city- they are still searching for me."

Peter laughs heartily, unloading other fruits and vegetables into my awaiting arms, his hand swiping at my hair. "You shouldn't have stolen from the King's private store then! Thieves are not tolerated here, Remy." I roll my eyes and lift a shoulder, grunting as the food and goods reposition. "It keeps food on many of the families' tables; yours included... People don't make much from hauling merchandise around from the town and fields up to the kingdom." I gesture with a nod, "You know first-hand."

"Just shut up and keep your head down. I'm not getting caught in aiding a fugitive."

We arrive at the main gates of the city, several guards with hands on their swords strolling around the battlements. The man managing the gate waves us in, the large iron wrought fence pulling open to allow us entrance; they do not even glance at my face.

As we make our way around an alleyway, ensuring that we are not seen, Peter puts his things down and I place the load I am carrying beside his. "Thanks," I breathe, and dodge towards the fence that separates the town from the outside forest that surrounds the countryside.

I grunt and grab the first hold on the fence, dragging myself higher. I swing my leg over the top of the metal wire as my soft brown pants stretch against my muscular legs and the dagger hidden in my right knee-high boot presses against my shin. I look down to see Peter standing below me, the goods he was carrying covered by a blanket to hide them from view. "What?' i laugh, watching him take hold of the fence. "I'm coming with!"

"Only if you can keep up," I breathe.


"Nothing," I respond with a grin and hop to the ground on the other side. I tilt my head up as he pauses on the top, looking at the concrete skeptically. "Are you coming or what?" I tighten the braid in my hair as I wait for him to join me in the outskirts of the city. "You are going to get arrested if they catch site of you, Remy."

I chuckle and back up a few steps. "If you are going to be a baby then i will just go without." He holds up a hand in defeat and curling himself the opposite way, jumping the last few feet. "Things I do for you," he whispers and jogs to my side.

I smile at him, pacing us at a steady jog as we duck in and out of the shadows, staying within the confines of the empty passageways and away from prying eyes of kingdom officials.

"So, what are we here for this time?" He asks quietly with his feet stepping close to my heels. I pull a hand over my auburn hair, wrestling the loose curls into a ponytail, but I don't answer my friend. "Remy? Remy!!" He grabs my wrist, stopping me in the middle of the sidewalk as we are released from the small alley between main part of town and the kingdom. The street is abandoned by the bustle of carts and people, peddlers cleaning up for the night only a hundred meters from where we stand.

"Remy," he takes my chin and tilts it up; he is over half a foot taller than I am. "What are you doing here? You know that they are always on the look out for 'Robin Hood.'" I shush him and pull him further into the shadows, a guard walking past casually and shouting for the vendors to hurry up and head home.

"You're not supposed to use that name."

"Come on, it's not even yours to claim. He is a fairy tale."

"A girl can dream."

Peter frowns at me, shaking his head as he shifts his weight and puts his hands on his hips. "I need you to be safe, Remy." I open my mouth to reply, but the sound of a sword unsheathing makes me react instantly, my fingers grasping the hidden dagger and brandishing it at the soldier who has snuck up on us. I push Peter down to keep him from being impaled, parrying the man's advances. "Get out of here!" I scream, blocking his face from the sight of the guard.

Peter knows better than to argue.

He races away, taking the long way back through the alleys to retrieve his haul. "Robin Hood! You are under arrest for thievery, assault, and conspiracy against the crown!" I chuckle and land a stab on his shoulder, shoving him backwards; his head smacks against the brick wall; he blacks out.

"Yeah? Well, you're chasing an imaginary character."

I hear the pounding of several foot soldiers, and realize he must have alerted his friends. I take off in a sprint dodging through the streets in search of a hiding spot.

Finally, my eyes fall on a large blue box, peculiarly out of place in the run-down, dull-painted buildings; it does not look of this time. I race to it and grab the doors, bringing myself inside. I almost fall down in shock, the ground not only slippery but the box is not as small as it was on the outside.

I look up as I collect myself, three faces staring at me. I smile politely. "Sorry, is this your box?"

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now