Chapter 84- The Forgotten Time Lady

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A/N First, sorry for being so so so late! I've been busy and trying to keep up to date on my other book <3 You are all so good to me!

Because I have neglected y'all so long, I doubt y'all wanna do any favours, but I will be in your debt if I win an award soooooooo, read below if you wanna make my day <3

I would appreciate it so much if you all could nominate my story The Numbers on Her Wrist for The Fiction Awards! All you have to do is:

1. Find/open the book The Fiction Awards 2016

2. Go to the line Best Action Story and highlight it (You are going to have to be on the app for this, sorry all web users)

3. Comment as follows: The Numbers on Her Wrist by @-MidnightStories-

                                                                                                My username ^^^^^^^^^

The instructions are in their book also, please read them carefully! Thank you all! <3

Remy's POV

I furrow an eyebrow, the three people staring at me curiously, and the man with the bowtie- The Doctor- takes a few steps forward. "Who are you? Really, you can tell us the truth."

i scoff and cross my arms, "I have been more than honest with the likes of you! I just am hiding from the guards that are chasing me... The door was unlocked so I came in and- Will you stop waving that wand in my face? It's quite annoying."

The man shakes his head, hitting the glowing stick several times against the railing and his hand, turning back towards the two others who stand with us. "I can't believe it... My sonic isn't getting a correct reading. It says you're Time Lord- but it also says you're human."

I ignore what he is saying as the man rambles on, pushing past him rather roughly as something scattered on the panels catches my eye. Circles and lines crossed over one another decorate the cover of a brown notebook, looking like some foreign language, but it isn't foreign...

I can read it.

"What does... 'Trenzalore' mean?"

"What did you say?" The Doctor stumbles, racing to my side as I turn the journal over in my hands, riffling through the worn pages. I point to the title, which now reads clear as day. "Trenzalore. That's what it says, isn't it? I've never heard of such a word... Is it a place from where you come?"

My finger skims the inside and my heart pounds, "The Master? Who's that? I've heard that name...." Then I pause and my head races as I look to the man beside me, breathing quietly, "A good man goes to war."

The Doctor's lip twinges and he stands taller, Danielle and Calvin staying silent and out of the way. "How do you know that? How did you-"

"Bad Wolf."

"How do you know that!?" he screams at me and looms over me, my hands shaking as I press a hand to my head. "How do you know that?" He asks again, his hands clenched at his side and I can see his knuckles turning white.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry... I don't-" I gasp painfully as my stomach feels as though a knife has plunged through it, my eyes scrunching up as I collapse on the ground in agony.

"Doctor! Help her! What's going on?!" Danielle screams again, tugging at the Time Lord's arm. "How does she know all of that about you? How does she know-"

"I don't know.  I don't know. I- Go get River. Find her and tell her to come here as quickly as possible. Okay, Danny? Go!'

I hear the sound of their footsteps retreating from the room, the Doctor kneeling beside me and pulling at the necklace around my neck. "Impossible," he whispers and I black out to the sound of shouting and a strange whooshing noise.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now