Chapter 37- China

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Sorry it's been a while since my last update. I've had writer's block for not only this story, but a book I'm writing to the side (one I hope to publish into a real book!)

I'll try and give you another one before tomorrow or Monday <3 Thanks so much to all of you who have stayed with me through this story so far!

Oh, and I added a song for this chapter xD I'm absolutely in love with the pianoguys! xD Anyways, enjoy.

Danielle's POV

I glance at Melody as we walk through the hallway. "I thought you and the Doctor were going to go to sleep."

She glances back and smiles. "We took a short nap, but we decided that we couldn't wait to go somewhere now that we are all together as a family."

Calvin wraps his arm around me, grinning before he whispers so that only I can hear, "Guess your mother considers me family too." I glance at him, smiling back as we reach the main room, the Doctor hovering over the engines.

"China, eh?"

I nod, moving to his side and looking at the levers and knobs. "What time period do you suggest?" He shrugs, looking to River. "How about when the Great Wall was being built? Pretty neat time."

Calvin moves to where I am, his fingers trailing my waist. "I know I'd enjoy that. But anything is fine with me."

The Doctor wrinkles his nose at Calvin. "Alright then, since everyone agrees, let's go!"

He pulls the handle in front of him, twisting another item completely to the right. Humming fills the air and our ears, the glass case shining and jumping up and down.

"Hold on," I whisper to Calvin, my hand taking his.

The TARDIS leaps forward, my body thrown against Calvin's. I giggle as I lift myself to my knees, my hand on his shoulder, supporting my weight.

"Sorry about that," the Doctor says apologetically. "Don't know what's causing her so much trouble. I'll try again."

He pulls on one of the hundreds of things connected to the engine, making the world spin.

This time I cling to Calvin, who holds one hand to the railing, his other hand wrapped from my waist, up to my shoulder.

River stumbles to the ground as the TARDIS stops shaking, a puff of smoke issuing from below us. Amidst the silence that follows, I hear my father cough a few times, his hand waving through the white substance.

"Well, I'll have this cleared out in no time. Why don't we all head outside? Check out some scenery while the TARDIS sucks out the smoke."

I smile in agreement, racing after River as she walks through the TARDIS doors, Calvin close behind.

"Whoa." I breathe, looking at the towering structures around us.

Large gray stones are pulled to the long wall, workers shouting to each other as soldiers stand close by, observing them. A large red and yellow striped tent sits alongside the Wonder of the World. A flag billowing on the middle pole.

"This is amazing," Calvin says, looking around. "I'm so glad I left the moon for this."

Melody grins, her hands taking mine and the Doctor's. "Well, first family vacation. Let's do this!"

Oooooh guess what?

I went to Hot Topic (which I was surprised my mom let me go in) and brought a dress.

A TARDIS dress.

It's so adorable! I love it so much! ^-^

If y'all want I might post a picture ^-^

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now