Chapter 19- A Rose

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From the title I expect all you Whovians to guess who it is.

Now, I've only watched a few episodes with Rose in it.

I will try my best to get her character down. :P

Please enjoy.

The Doctor glares at Mr. Harris, my head still downcast. "Now, let's get started. Why are you here?" I open my mouth to answer, but my father interjects.

"We are just travelers. Passing through. The dalek was going to kill us, so we thought we could drop it off here and be safe."

I watch in horror as my father tenses as though he is in pain, but I don't see anyone touching him.

"Stop it! Stop it! Can't you see it's hurting him!" Calvin yells, struggling in his restraints. Mr. Harris turns from my father, the Doctor relaxing.

"I just have to make sure all of you are in the right cell so you can't escape. Or else you'll end up like the others..."

I shiver, watching the man pace between us. "We need to find out what kind of creatures you three are... Would you be so kind as to tell us?"

I glance at my father, Calvin answering. "We are just humans. From planet Earth."

Mr. Harris nods slowly. "Galap, would you be so kind as to make sure they are telling the truth? You've have tasted their blood type before, make sure it's the same."

My heart pounds in my ears, watching as he glances at the Doctor, but heads to Calvin. He draws his blood, prodding my friend and licking the blood.


Sweat drips down my neck as he moves to me. He pokes me hard, a needle like object stabbing into my arm. I jump slightly, but keep quiet.

Galap tastes the blood.

"I don't know what she is... But it's anything but human!" He glares at me, but doesn't try to hurt me. "Test the Doctor. See if he was lying too."

I watch as he saunters over, cutting visciously into my father's arm.

"Same as her. Anything but human. Should we look at them through the screen?" Mr. Harris nods, gesturing to the wall.

I chew on my lip as a small square extends from the wall on an arm.

"An X-ray?" The Doctor asks. Mr. Harris nods slowly. "Organs and bone structure tell a lot about the orgins of an alien."

They study the Doctor first. To both the captors and Calvin and my surprise, the screen lights up, revealing two hearts.

"Is it possible? Have I done what none other has done before me? Have I truely found a time-lord?" Mr Harris says in an awed voice.

"Check the girl."

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "There's no way. I only have one heart, always have. I-"

"Oh shut up!" He shouts, pounding a fist on the table. "I've had enough of your lies. Be quiet before you get yourself in more trouble."

I glance down at the X-ray as it turns on. "Two hearts again, sir."

"What?!" I say, looking down again, not believing my own eyes.

"Bring them to the room with the only other human I have. She'll like the company. I'll figure out where to put them later."

Guards walk in, unchaining us and leading us down the corridor. I stare at my father in a daze. "I have two hearts?"

The Doctor continues to grin, as he has since he saw the two organs beating together. "Yeah!" He clears his throat attempting to calm himself down.

"You're just like me. Your mother had one heart, then two." I raise an eyebrow, looking to him. "Who is my mother?"

Before he can answer we are thrown into a large cell, a small voice coming from the side of the cell. "Who's there?"

I stand close to my father, pulling out the sonic screwdriver. "You still have that?! Why didn't you use it!?" I ignore him, stepping closer to the woman.

"What's your name?" I ask, watching as she steps into the light. She's got blond hair, about average height and weight, wearing a red zip-up jacket.

"I'm Rose..."

The Doctor falls against me. "Rose?" I look from one to the other. "Do you two know each other?"

Rose steps closer as the Doctor asks again, "Rose Tyler?"

Okay, so I know a few (or a lot idk)  fans/ Whovians might not want to see Rose...


She is just tagging along for a few chapters. :)

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now