Chapter 79-

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A/N OH MY GOSH!!!!! MY STORY NUMBERS ON HER WRIST REACHED #21 IN ACTION!!! Y'all should totally check it out! The story has only just begun! <3

Anyways, thanks sooooooooooooo much for the 22 THOUSAND views on this story! <3 Love you bunches <3 Apologies it took so long to write. I want to give the best quality stuff to y'all and with writer's block (I have it so much for this story xD) it's hard <3 This isn't the best written chapter, but after this trip to Hafirering, I have an idea that everyone is going to hopefully enjoy!

Thank you for sticking with me!

Danielle's POV

I glance at Calvin, who sits beside me, his nose buried in a book and his hand resting around my shoulders. I settle my head against his chest, pulling my legs onto the couch where we sit. He looks down slowly, kissing my forehead gently, brushing hair from my face. "You doing alright?" He asks quietly, running his fingers over my side.

"They've been gone for quite a while."

"I'm sure they are fine."

I nod once, taking a peek at the book he holds. "What are you reading?" He grins and holds it forward for me to see, the title The World Wanderer engraved onto the cover. "Where did you find that?" He lifts a shoulder, gesturing to nothing in particular. "Over there. Just sitting on a table so I thought I might read it."

"Is it any good?"

"I believe it's about the Doctor."

His statement causes me to sit up, snatching it from his hands and my eyes running over the first page I land on. "The Doctor? Our Doctor? How can you tell?" Calvin laughs and steals it back, flipping to the table of contents and showing me some of the chapter titles. "It's obvious, isn't it?"

Before I get a chance to read one sentence, there are many shouts and screams from outside the tent. Calvin and I leap to our feet, hurrying to see what is happening. We find over a dozen men and women, all soldiers, laying on the ground wounded. I rush to the nearest one, helping him to lift his head off the ground so he can breathe easier.

"What happened? Are you alright?" He coughs up blood, his hand grabbing my wrist as I try to open up his shirt. "They're here! The Daleks! They are within the camp!" My mouth opens slightly as he wheezes and the red dribbles down his cheek.

He breathes his last.

"Calvin! Calvin! We need to get everyone out of here!" I set the man's head down gently, putting my fingertips on his eyelids and closing his eyes gently. "Come on, this way!" he takes my hand and leads me towards a large tent where there are very few sounds from within.

We hurry to the doors, pressing inside without a word, and I feel my heart constrict as we see what is inside. Men, women, and children are all pressed together, many of them injured or dying. Their eyes are filled with fear and pain, mothers weeping as they hold their children close.

"Cal," I breathe, his hand gripping mine tighter. "It's alright. The Doctor will fix this."

"The Doctor will be exterminated!"

There are screams as the door is blow above our heads, Calvin, me and other dropping lower to the floor as the wood and splinters fly by. Daleks pour into the tent, their lights shining bright and their orders loud.

"Where is the Doctor?!"

No one answers as it becomes silent in the area; outside, explosions and gunfire are heard. "You were asked a question! Where is the Doctor?!" It swivels its head, searching for someone to answer it. Another Dalek rolls forward, its laser firing twice.

The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor Who FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now